Dr. Kristin Frohne

Photo of Dr. Kristin Frohne
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Dr. Kristin Frohne

Dr. Kristin Frohne

Senior Associate

Photo of Dr. Kristin Frohne
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Dr. Kristin Frohne

Dr. Kristin Frohne

Senior Associate

Dr. Kristin Frohne

Senior Associate


T: +49 (0) 69 970 861 257

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Dr. Kristin Frohne is a senior associate in the German employment law team.

She advises various national and international companies on all aspects of individual and collective labor law. Her responsibilities include both advisory and forensic activities and, in addition to strategic negotiation and litigation, also include the drafting and review of employment and service contracts and collective agreements such as works agreements. Furthermore, she works on labor law restructurings.

Prior to joining BCLP, Kristin worked as a lawyer primarily in the employment law department of a renowned medium-sized business law firm.

During her legal clerkship, she worked at the Labor Court of Frankfurt am Main and was admitted to the bar in summer 2019.


  • Germany


Advising national and international clients

  • on various labor law issues,
  • on the termination of employees, in particular with regard to the existence of special protection against dismissal,
  • on the drafting and review of contracts under employment law,
  • on the co-determination rights of the works council in social, personnel and economic matters.




  • BAG: Zulässigkeit eines nur sofort annehmbaren Aufhebungsvertrags - Kein Verstoß gegen das Gebot des fairen Verhandelns - BAG, Urteil vom 24.02.2022 - 6 AZR 333/21, besprochen in: DB 2022, 2223
  • BAG: Das Arbeitszeugnis in tabellarischer Form? - BAG, Urteil vom 27.4.2021 - 9 AZR 262/20, besprochen in: DB 2021, 2831
  • LAG Berlin-Brandenburg: Video- und Telefonkonferenzen des Betriebsrats in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie - LAG Berlin-Brandenburg, Beschluss vom 14.04.2021 - 15 TaBVGa 401/21, besprochen in: DB 2021, 1821
  • LAG Berlin-Brandenburg: Die Fallstricke der Befristung mit Sachgrund - LAG Berlin-Brandenburg, Urteil vom 23.04.2021 - 12 Sa 1421/20, besprochen in: DB 2021, 2358

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