Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga

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Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga

Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga


Photo of Pedro Martinez-Fraga
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Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga

Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga


Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga


Miami/New York

Partner & Global Co-leader, International Arbitration

T: +1 786 322 7373

T: +1 212 541 2000

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Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga is a leading practitioner in the field of investor-State international arbitration, international commercial arbitration, and transnational litigation. He is the Global Co-Leader of the firm’s International Arbitration Practice. Mr. Martinez-Fraga is a World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) arbitrator. On December 16, 2015, President Barack Obama appointed Mr. Martinez-Fraga as one of four U.S. delegate members to the Panel of Conciliators of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (World Bank), effective February 23, 2016. In April 2021, the Curatorium of The Hague Academy of International Law bestowed on Mr. Martinez-Fraga the prestigious distinction of inviting him to teach the Special Course on Private International Law in the Summer of 2023.

He serves on the Advisory Council of the American Law Institute’s Restatement of the U.S. Law on International Commercial Arbitration and Investor-State Arbitration. Mr. Martinez-Fraga was appointed to serve on the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law as of April 11, 2022.

Mr. Martinez-Fraga has been appointed to serve on the Awards Review Committee of the Madrid International Arbitration Center (Centro Internacional de Arbitraje de Madrid) for a three-year renewable term.  In that capacity he also will serve as an arbitrator in disputes in the construction and energy sectors, as well as arbitrations involving States and State entities. 

He has represented the Republic of Argentina, the Republic of Guatemala, the Republic of El Salvador, the Federated Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Chile, the Republic of Ecuador, instrumentalities of the Kingdom of Spain, the Dominican Republic, and most recently The Supreme Court of Venezuela. He has served as an arbitrator in International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Center for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), UNCITRAL Ad Hoc international commercial and investor-State arbitrations, and International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) (World Bank) proceedings.

His more notable representations include serving as lead U.S. counsel on behalf of the Republic of Chile in the case against former Chilean President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Senator pour vie Augusto Pinochet.

Mr. Martinez-Fraga was the Exclusive Winner of the 2019 Lexology Client Choice International Arbitration & ADR Award for Florida. One client noted "his critical thinking and powerful mindset allows him to solve the most difficult cases; he is able to find a rapid solution to the problem." Another client observed "through his creative analysis and work ethic he can outmanoeuvre an adverse party; he has a hands-on approach." During his tenure at another law firm, Mr. Martinez-Fraga was recognized by the prestigious legal publication Chambers for being “widely regarded as the firm’s key player in the field” and it was noted that he “is considered to offer a considerable depth of experience in matters relating to Latin America, not to mention the Spanish-speaking world in general.” Recently Chambers noted that Mr. Martinez-Fraga "is well liked by clients, who value his understanding of what the client wants and ability to find a very unique way to achieve their goals. He has long-standing experience of Latin American dispute resolution matters." Legal 500 Latin America wrote of Mr. Martinez-Fraga and his team that "BCLP fields a number of ‘outstanding practitioners with great technical ability’ and the team has considerable experience handling both commercial arbitration and investor-state disputes." Mr. Martinez-Fraga has also received recommendations as a Global Leader from Who's Who Legal in areas such as Commercial Litigation and Arbitration. In addition, BCLP is ranked by Latinvex as a top law firm for arbitration and as a top law firm overall. 

Mr. Martinez-Fraga also maintains an active international human rights practice, serving as lead counsel in a landmark case before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. He served as a member of the Center for Human Rights Advisory Council of the American Bar Association.

A noted scholar, author and lecturer in the fields of public and private international law, Mr. Martinez-Fraga has been published in 15 countries and five languages. He has written more than 50 peer-reviewed or academically reviewed  articles, 10 books on private and public procedural international law and is the co-editor and a contributing author of a book on international arbitration. Four of his books are published by Cambridge University Press and form part of every major academic law library and legal research center globally. Additionally, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has published and translated two of his books into Mandarin. The Universidad del Pacífico honored Mr. Martinez-Fraga with a special book launch highlighting the Spanish language edition of “Public Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in a Global Era” (Cambridge University Press), titled: "La Utilidad Pública en el Derecho Internacional: Una Revisión de la Soberanía Regulatoria en la Era Global."

Mr. Martinez-Fraga has lectured at more than 30 universities globally including:

  • Harvard University
  • Columbia University
  • Cornell University
  • New York University (NYU)
  • Georgetown University
  • McGill University
  • Bucerius Law School (Hamburg, Germany)
  • University of Roma Tre (Rome, Italy)
  • Leibniz Universität (Hannover, Germany)
  • The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing)
  • East China University (Shanghai)
  • Central University of Law and Social Science (Beijing)
  • Marmara University (Istanbul)
  • Bilgi University (Istanbul)
  • Istanbul Kültür University
  • The University of Florence
  • Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
  • Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law
  • King's College London
  • Istanbul University
  • The Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid)
  • Özyeğin University (Istanbul, Turkey)

He currently serves as an Adjunct Professor since 2012 at the New York University (NYU) School of Law and is a Distinguished Visiting Practitioner of International Law for the NYU Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration, and Commercial Law. Mr. Martinez-Fraga was named Scholar-in-Residence Fellow at New York University School of Law in 2017. He is also a Visiting Professor of International Litigation and Arbitration for the Global Law Program of the University of Navarra School of Law in Pamplona, Spain, an Honorary Professor of Law at the Universidad de San Ignacio de Loyola in Lima, Perú, and an Honorary Professor at the Universidad del Pacífico in Lima, Perú. Mr. Martinez-Fraga served as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Miami School of Law from 2002 to 2010.

On August 27, 2007, Mr. Martinez-Fraga was listed as counsel who may be appointed to represent victims or the accused in cases before the International Criminal Court at The Hague. 

Civic Involvement & Honors

Best Lawyers in America, Commercial Litigation, 2005 - 2025

Best Lawyers in America, International Arbitration - Commercial, 2005 - 2025

Best Lawyers in America, International Arbitration - Governmental, 2005 - 2025

Best Lawyers South Florida, Commercial Litigation, 2025

Best Lawyers South Florida, International Arbitration, 2025

Best Lawyers in America, "Lawyer of the Year" (Miami, International Arbitration - Governmental), 2018, 2022

  • Forthcoming in November 2024, Settlement in International Commercial Arbitration, Pocketbooks of The Hague Academy of International Law.  This work will form part of the Collection of Law Lectures in pocketbook form.  Mr. Martinez-Fraga delivered the 2023 Special Course titled:  Settlement, Efficiency, and Risk Assessment in International Commercial Arbitration, on which the book is based. 

  • Author - Cambridge University Press published a Second Edition of this text in July of 2020 with a Foreword by Professor Jack J. Coe Jr., Ph.D , Faculty Director of the LLM Concentration in International Commercial Arbitration of Pepperdine University School of Law, The American Influenceon International Commercial Arbitration: Doctrinal Developments and Discovery Methods, published by the Cambridge University Press, in its First Edition (Second Re-Print), forms part of the permanent collection of 587 leading law school and university libraries in the United States and throughout the world. Reviews have been published in the Revista de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones, Vol. 2, P. 630 (2009); Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid) (2008); the Global Arbitration Review (May 19, 2008); the Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, Sumario Revista 20, Thomson-Aranzadi (2008); the New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer, pp. 73-74 , Vol. 3, No. 1 (Spring 2010); The American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2009); Lima Arbitration: Revista del Círculo Peruano de Arbitraje, pp. 182-183, No. 4 (2011); the University of Miami Law Review, Vol. 64, Issue 3 (April 2010); reviewed by Judge Thomas Logue The Florida Bar Journal, pp. 56, Vol. 95, No. 1 (Jan/Feb 2021); and reviewed by Sophie Nappert, Arbitrator, published in Transnational Dispute Management, Vol. 18, No. 3, (April 2021). Yuksel C, Eken C, “Book Review: The American Influence on International Commercial Arbitration: Doctrinal Developments and Discovery Methods, by Pedro J. Martinz-Fraga, eds, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020, 474 pages” (2021) 41(1) PPIL 1. The Second Edition is earmarked to form part of the collection of the top 500 law libraries in the world, in keeping with the predecessor First Edition.  The Second Edition has received numerous endorsements.  Gary Born noted, “A thoughtful and provocative analysis of a very timely subject - replete with keen observations and original analysis.”  Professor Margaret Moses observed, "Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga’s second edition of The American Influence on International Commercial Arbitration is a must-have addition to one’s collection of books on international arbitration. Its thoughtful analysis of the common law development of different aspects of international arbitration leads to a depth of understanding and appreciation of complex issues that regularly arise in the field. Whether or not one agrees with all of Mr. Martinez-Fraga’s conclusions, his insightful and rigorous analyses ensure that time focused on reading this book is time well-spent." Professor George Bermann stated, "The U.S. law of international commercial arbitration has commonly been viewed as less than fully coherent. This is regrettable, given the great importance of U.S. law in this field and its proper understanding, including from abroad. The first edition of The American Influence on International Commercial Arbitration admirably filled the gap, but galloping legal developments require a fresh account. Happily, with a second edition of the book, the gap remains once again admirably filled." Professor José E. Alvarez added, "Pedro Martinez-Fraga begins his masterful work on the United States’ influence on international commercial arbitration with the original vision of arbitration suggested by Goya’s painting “Duel with Clubs” in the Museo del Prado. The idea that arbitration is as blunt an instrument for ‘dispute settlement’ as two men using deadly force against each other – admittedly efficient, expedient, and final – has, he says, been eclipsed by the recognition that arbitration has much in common with judicial proceedings. His book is an argument, driven by a careful examination of history, case law, and statute, that the actions and views of common law courts has had much to do with this change. His is general (and rare) defense of what some would decry, namely the “Americanization” of international arbitration. Readers should welcome this new up-to-date edition. It continues to be a valuable contribution to a healthy, on-going debate." Sophie Nappert, an Arbitrator and contributing author to the Transnational Dispute Management says, "The author’s stated aim is that of tracing doctrinal developments in the field of international commercial arbitration, one at a time, albeit these developments may “appear minute, virtually nonexistent as the imperfections of language, made even worse by flaws in reasoning and the visceral application of doctrine (often dogmatically), without engaging in the introspection and reflection that the subject matter addressed very much deserves and compels”. The reader is left in no doubt of Martinez-Fraga’s irresistible strength of conviction in the idea that international commercial arbitration, heady on its rise to prominence in modern times, runs the risk of cutting corners and manhandling “the brilliance and majesty of the common law in its developmental splendour”. This is, unmistakably, the book of a scholarly pragmatist, for whom the promise of international arbitration still holds resonance and who identifies the threats to its legitimacy with accuracy and intelligence. 
  • Lead Co-author - "Public Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era," Cambridge University Press (February 2015), prologue by the late David D. Caron, former Professor of Law and Dean of The Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London.  ISBN: 978-110-708-1741. This text was the subject matter of a symposium held at New York University (NYU) on March 23, 2015. This book was reviewed in the Harvard Law Review Feb. 10, 2016, Vol. 129, No. 4; by José Carlos Fernández Rozas, [IX] Revista De Arbitraje Comercial Y De Inversiones 297, 297-301 (2016); and by Judge Thomas Logue (Third District Court of Appeal) and Daniel A. Rock in The Florida Bar Journal February 2016 issue, Vol. 90 No. 2. This book also was reviewed in TDM, issue 1875-4120 (provisional issue) published May 2015, in an article titled: Opening the International Law’s Black Box: Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga, C. Ryan Reetz – Public Purpose in International Law:  Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era – Review.  The book was also the subject matter of a symposium held at King’s College London.
  • Author – Oxford University Press (Fall 2020), "Arbitrator Immunity in International Arbitration:  An Analysis of Historicity and Common Law Rule-making"
  • "Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era," titled:  “La Utilidad Pública en el Derecho Internacional:  Una Revisión de la Soberanía Regulatoria en la Era Global,” published October 2018 by the Universidad del Pacífico Lima, Perú for global distribution.
  • Author, International Commercial Arbitration: United States Doctrinal Developments and American Style Discovery, prologue by Professor Michael H. Graham, (hardcover ISBN 978-84-8355-527-9), 2008, Thomson/Aranzadi. This work was translated into Mandarin by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The book was also reviewed by Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, Sumario Revista No. 20, 2009. This book has also been translated into Chinese under the title 国际商事仲裁:美国学说发展与证据开示 and published in China by the prestigious Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing
  • Author, "The New Role of Comity in Private Procedural International Law," The Global Law Collection, prologue by C. Ryan Reetz, (softcover ISBN 978-84-8355-167-7) Thomson/Aranzadi, 2007. Cited in Tratado del Arbitraje Comercial en America Latina by Jose Carlos Fernandez-Rozas, First Edition, 2008. Also cited in 57 Am. J. Comp. L. 331 (2009). This book has been translated into Chinese under the title 国际私法程序中礼让的新作用 and published in China by the prestigious Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing
  • Co-Editor and Contributing Author, "International Commercial Arbitration: A Comparative Survey," Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (2007)
  • Author; "Hacia la Unificación del Derecho Procesal Internacional," The Global Collection (softcover, ISBN 84-9767-726-9), Thomson/Aranzadi (2006)
  • Member, Consultative Group, ALI/UNIDROIT Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure (Cambridge University Press 2006)

  • Author - "The U.S. and Absolute Immunity for International Arbitrators: What Went Absolutely Wrong?", Journal of International Law and Politics, New York University, Vol. 56 (Fall 2023)

  • Author, “Inmunidad Arbitral en el Arbitraje Internacional: Apuntes Hacia un Nuevo Paradigma” to be published by the University of Madrid Journal in January 2020
  • Author, “La inmunidad Absoluta del Árbitro: Una equivocación con Orígenes Históricos” to be published by the Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, Volumen 12, número 2, Sección Estudios. (Octubre 2020)
  • Lead Co-Author, Reconceptualizing the Statute of Limitations Doctrine in the International Law of Foreign Investment Protection:  Reform Beyond Historical Legacies, New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, 50 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 789 (2017-2018)
  • Author, "Developing Equipoise between Party-Autonomy and the Inherent Power of Arbitrator Authority in the Gathering of Evidence in International Arbitration"  in Inherent Powers of Arbitrators, 8 209-245 (Franco Ferrari, Friedrich Rosenfeld, Eds., Preface by Diego P. Fernández Arroyo) (JurisNet 2018)
  • Author, “Desarrollo del equilibrio entre la autonomía de las partes y el poder discrecional privativo del árbitro en la práctica probatoria del arbitraje internacional,” Arbitraje, Revista de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones, vol. XI, nº 2, 2018, pp. 365-402
  • Lead Co-Author, “The Status of the Limitations Period Doctrine in Public International Law: Devising a Functional Analytical Framework for the Investors and Host-States,”  McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution, Vol. 4 (2018)
  • Author, "La Doctrina de Prescripción en el Derecho Internacional Público y La Necesidad de Nuevos Paradigmas Transnacionales," Separata, Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional, Revista del Departamento de Derecho Internacional Público/Facultado de Derecho/ Universidad de Navarra/Pamplona, España (No. 33, January 2018)
  • Author, Gemelos y Rivales: A propósito de la existencia de la cosa juzgada en el arbitraje inversor-Estado, 1 Sociedad Jurídica – Revista de Derecho de los Alumnos de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal, pp. 185-200 (September 2013)
  • Author, La necesidad de armonización de conceptos en los procedimientos de resolución de controversias internacionales: Desarrollando un Principio Sustantivo de Transparencia y de Obtención de Pruebas en el ámbito Transnacional, 63 THEMIS-Revista de Derecho de los Alumnos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (June 2013)
  • Author, "The Dilemma of Extending International Commercial Arbitration Clauses to Third-Parties: Is Protecting Federal Policy While Accommodating Economic Globalization a Bridge to Nowhere?," Cornell International Law Journal, Volume 46, Number 2, pp. 291-319 (Spring 2013)
  • Author, Chapter titled "Adam, How About a Second Bite at the Apple?: Revisiting the Need For Uniformity in the Application of Res Judicata to International Commercial and Treaty-based Arbitration," Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2011, Arthur W. Rovine, ed., Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (2012)
  • Author, "Good Faith, Bad Faith, but not Losing Faith: A Commentary on the 2010 IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration," Georgetown Journal of International Law, Vol. 43, Issue 2, pp. 387-431 (Winter 2012)
  • Lead Co-author, "The Role of Precedent in Defining Res Judicata in Investor–State Arbitration," Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business, Volume 32, Issue 3, pp. 419-450 (Summer 2012)
  • Author, "Juridical Convergence in International Dispute Resolution: Developing a Substantive Principle of Transparency and Transnational Evidence Gathering," Loyola University Chicago School of Law International Law Review, Volume 10, pp. 37-71 (Fall/Winter 2012)
  • Lead Co-Author, "A Defense of Dissents in Investment Arbitration," University of Miami Inter-American Law Review, Vol. 43 (Summer 2012)
  • Author, "Extensión del convenio arbitral a partes no signatarias y la intervención de y terceros en el arbitraje," Anuario Latinoamericano de Arbitraje, Volume 2, Issue 2 (2012) (published by the Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje)
  • Author, "Adán, ¿No Te Apetece Dar Un Segundo Mordisco A La Manzana?. Revisando la Necesidad de Uniformizar la Aplicación del Principio de Cosa Juzgada (Res Judicata) en los Arbitrajes Comerciales Internacionales y en los Arbitrajes basados en Tratados de Inversión entre Estados," Arbitraje: Revista de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones, Vol. 5(2), pp.357-412 (June 2012) (published by the Universidad CEU San Pablo Madrid)
  • Author, "King or Arbitrator: Exploring the Inherent Authority of Arbitrators to Impose Sanctions within the Framework of the 2010 IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration," Spain Arbitration Review, Volume 2011, Issue 12, pp. 57-75 (2011). This article also appears in the Journal of International Trade and Arbitration Law, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 3-30 (published in Istanbul, Turkey) (2012); and the NALSAR ADR Law Review, Vol. 1, pp.1-23 (2012) (published by NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, India)
  • Author, "The Impact of Regional Trade Agreements on the Human Rights and the Rule of Law," University of Miami Inter-American Law Review, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 287-290 (Winter 2011)
  • Lead Co-Author, Chapter on Arbitration in Latin America, The International Comparative Legal Guide to International Arbitration, 8th ed. (Global Legal Group, 2011)
  • Author, Señales de Crísis en el Arbitraje Inversor-Estado, Columnas, Revista Legal, Segunda Época Año 2011 (2do Trimestre) N˚ 169
  • Author, "Professor Rafael Domingo's The New Global Law," (Book Review), McGill Law Journal (Revue de Droit de McGill), Vol. 56 (2010)
  • Author, "Anwendung und Umgehung der Discovery nach 28 U.S.C. § 1782 im internationalen Handelsschiedsverfahren; New York Convention und Doktrin des "Manifest Disregard of the Law” – Fluch oder Segen?," SchiedsVZ (German Arbitration Journal) in Zusammenarbeit der DIS (Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtbarkeit), 8. Jarhgang, Heft 2, p. 85 (März/April 2010)
  • Author, "Anwendung und Umgehung der Discovery nach 28 U.S.C. § 1782 im internationalen Handelsschiedsverfahren; New York Convention und Doktrin des "Manifest Disregard of the Law” – Fluch oder Segen?," SchiedsVZ (German Arbitration Journal) in Zusammenarbeit der DIS (Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtbarkeit), 8. Jarhgang, Heft 3, p. 158 (Mai/Junil 2010)
  • Author, "Prólogo" ("prologue") Tratado de Derecho Arbitral, El Convenio Arbitral, Tomo I, Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje (2011)
  • Author, "Revisando la Claúsula de Arbitraje a Través de una Nueva Patología: 'La Enmienda Judicia'", Tratado de Derecho Arbitral, El Convenio Arbitral, Tomo II, Insituto Peruano de Arbitraje, pp. 339-363, (2011)
  • Author, "Apuntes sobre la Necesidad de Armonizar el Principio de Protección de la Inversión Extranjera con el Concepto de Soberanía Regulatoria del Estado en el Arbitraje Internacional: Una Oportunidad para Forjar Jurisprudencia Transnacional," Arbitraje: Revista de Arbitraje y de Inversiones, Vol. IV, No. 2, 2011, pp.11-31
  • Author, "The New Rules of International Investment Arbitration," Iberian Lawyer Magazine (January/February 2010)
  • Author, "The Future of 28 U.S.C. § 1782: The Continued Advance of American-Style Discovery in International Commercial Arbitration," University of Miami Law Review, Vol. 64:401, pp. 89-131 (2009)
  • Lead Co-Author, "Primero La Verdad Que la Paz: La Problemática Del Perjurio en el Arbitraje," Revista Ecuatoriana de Arbitraje, Instituto Ecuatoriano de Arbitraje, pp. 345-364, Lima, Perú (2009)
  • Author, "Aplicación e invalidacion del Titulo 28 del Código de Estados Unidos, sección 1782, presentación de pruebas en arbitraje comercial internacional; ¿pueden la Convencion de Nueva York y la doctrina de 'manifesta indiferencia de la ley' ayudar o perjudiciar?," Arbitraje Comercial Y Arbitraje de Inversión, p. 175, Magna Ediciones, Lima, Perú, pp. 17-214, (2009)
  • Author, Chapter on Venue, Sixth Edition of the Florida Civil Practice Before Trial , pp. 7.1–7.38 (2009)
  • Author, Chapter on Protecting Litigation Rights, Florida Civil Practice Before Trial, Ninth Edition, pp. 9.1-9.37 (2009)
  • Author, Chapter on Venue, Sixth Edition of the Florida Civil Practice Before Trial , pp. 7.1–7.38 (2009)
  • Author, Chapter on Protecting Litigation Rights, Florida Civil Practice Before Trial, Ninth Edition, pp. 9.1-9.37 (2009)
  • Author, "La Obtencion y Revelación de Documentos e Informacion en el Proceso Civil Estadounidense (Discovery) y su Influencia en la Convergencia de Culturas Jurídicas en el Arbitraje Internacional," Revista Perúana de Arbitraje, No. 8, pp. 51-101, (2009)
  • Author, "El Arbitraje Internacional Como Herramienta para La Globalizacion Juridica," Revista Athina: Revista de Los Alumnos de la Universidad de Perú, published interview, No. 5, pp. 257-261 (2009)
  • Author, "Análisis de la Institución de Arbitraje y del Arbitraje Institucional en Estados Unidos: De la Visión kelseniana al desarrollo de facto de un sistema de adjudicación sin soberano," Revista Athina: Revista de Derecho de los Alumnos de la Universidad de Lima, No. 6, pp. 97-122, 2009
  • Lead Co-author with Prof. Rafael Domingo Olsé, "Globalization and Developments in the Apportionment of Jurisdiction between Arbitrators and Courts Concerning International Commercial Arbitration," Arbitraje, Revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones, Vol. II, Nº 1, pp. 139-165 (2009)
  • Author, "Estudio de los Efectos de la Convención de Nueva York y la Doctrina de 'Manifiesta Indiferencia de la Ley' Sobre El Arbitraje Internacional: Análisis de Dos Paradigmas Afirmativos y Defensivos," Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado, No. VIII, pp. 55-96 (2008). Reviewed by Alejandro Mier Hernandez, Vice-President of the Mexican Bar Association, Republic of Mexico, Revista de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones, Vol. II, No. 3, pp. 939-40 (2009)
  • Author, "El Arbitraje Internacional como Herramienta para la Globalización Jurídica, Universidad de Lima," Revista Athina: Revista de Los Alumnos de la Universidad de Perú, published interview, No. 5, pp. 97-122 (2008)
  • Contributing Author and Co-Editor, Preface and Chapter, "The Institution of Arbitration and US Institutional Arbitration: The Development of a De Facto Adjudicative System Without Sovereign, Courts, or Legislators," International Dispute Resolution: A Global Perspective, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (2008)
  • Author, "La obtención y revelación de documentos e información en el proceso civil estadounidense ('Discovery') y su influencia en la convergencia de culturas jurídicas en el arbitraje internacional," Revista Perúana de Arbitraje, No. 08 (2008)
  • Author, "Defining Judicial Limitation on Intervention in International Commercial Arbitration and Apportionment of Jurisdiction: The Demise, or Is It, or Party-Autonomy in Favor of the Federal Arbitration Act in Hall Street Associates, L.L.C. v. Mattel, Inc.," Spain Arbitration Review, Revista del Club Español de Arbitraje, No. 2 (2008)
  • Author, "On the 50th Anniversary of the New York Convention, Revisiting Annulment and Vacatur through the Prism of In Re Chromalloy, Baker Marine and Termorio," Revista de Arbitraje y de Inversiones, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid), 2008. This article also appears in Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, No. 18 (2008)
  • Lead Co-author with Prof. Rafael Domingo Olsé, "Globalization and Developments in the Apportionment of Jurisdiction between Arbitrators and Courts Concerning International Commercial Arbitration," Journal of International Business and Law (JIBL), Hosftra University, 8 J. Int'l Bus. & L. 63, pp. 6390 (2009)
  • Author, "Examining the Codification of History and Search for First Principles in Professor Alejandro Guzmán Brito's History of the Codification of Civil Law in Iberoamerica," University of Miami School of Law Inter-American Law Review, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 503-528 (2008)
  • Author, "La obtención y revelación de documentos e información en el proceso civil estadounidense," Anuario de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, pp. 131-175 (2007)
  • Author, "Doctrinal Development in United States Arbitration: A Metamorphosis of Paradigms Beyond Gregor Samsa's Imagination," University of Miami School of Law International and Comparative Law Review, Vol. 15, Issue 2 (Fall 2007)
  • Author, "Globalizacion Procesal y Arbitraje Internacional, Diario La Ley," Vol. No. 6758 (July 18, 2007). This article was reviewed in Arbitraje: Revista de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones, Vol. I, Nº 2 pp. 631-633, (2008)
  • Author, "El Arbitraje y el Proceso Global: La Justicia Norteamericana Abre las Puertas a Los Tribunales Extranjeros," La Gaceta (May 21, 2007)
  • Contributing Author, Festschrift in honour of Kender and Çetingil for 50 years collaboration (Çetingil ve Kender e 50. Birlikte Çali) chapter titled "The Anatomy of 28 U.S.C. §1782 and a Paradigm Case Study" (2007)
  • American Law Institute, International Corresponding Editor of International Legal Materials (2007)
  • Author, "Amendments to the New York Convention and Convergence of European Civil Law and US Common Law Cultures in Modern Commercial Arbitration," Revista de Arbitragem e Mediacao, Año 3-11, October-December (2006)
  • Author, "Ilícitos Financieros En Un Mundo Globalizado," Revista de Derecho del Consejo de Defensa del Estado, No. 15 (June 2006)
  • Co-author, "Forum Non Conveniens and the Foreign Forum: a Defense Perspective," University of Miami Inter-American Law Review, Vol. 35, Issue 1 (2004)
  • Author, Chapter on Venue, Sixth Edition of the Florida Civil Practice Before Trial , pp. 7.1–7.38 (2009)
  • Author, Chapter on Protecting Litigation Rights, Florida Civil Practice Before Trial, Ninth Edition, pp. 9.1-9.37 (2009)
  • Author, Amendments to S.D. Fla. L.R. 7.5 Motions for Summary Judgment
  • Author and Editor, Chapter 2, "Organization and Development of the Case," Florida Civil Practice Before Trial
  • Author and Editor, "Florida Civil Procedure Forms with Practice Commentary," (2001)
  • Author and Editor, "Florida Civil Procedure Forms with Practice Commentary," (2000)
  • Author and Principal Drafter, Discovery Practices Handbook, Appendix A to the Rules of Court for the US District Court of the Southern District (See Florida Rules of Court, Federal, West Group 1998 App. A)
  • Author, "Extended Form Interrogatories," Appendix B to the Rules of Court for the US District Court of the Southern District (See Florida Rules of Court, Federal, West Group 1998 App. B)
  • Contributing author and editor, chapters Venue and Protecting Litigation Rights, Florida Civil Practice Before Trial, published by The Florida Bar, Eighth Edition
  • Acknowledged as contributor, Florida Civil Procedure, 2001-2002 Edition, Bruce J. Berman, author
  • Acknowledged and Mentioned, Rafael Domingo, The New Global Law (Cambridge University Press 2010)
  • Appointed to steering committee to The Florida Bar's CLE hornbook, Evidence in Florida, Fifth Edition
  • Appointed to steering committee to The Florida Bar's CLE handbook, Florida Civil Practice Before Trial, Fifth Edition
  • Author, "Reinsurance and Conflicts: Choosing a Forum without losing Contract," Defense Counsel Journal, Vol. 55, pp. 184-193 (April 1988) (This article is adapted from the author's honorable mention essay in the 1987 IADC Legal Writing Contest.)

  • Speaker, Exceptionalism in International Commercial Arbitration, The Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration, and Commercial Law, April 24, 2024

  • Speaker, The U.S. and Absolute Immunity for International Arbitrators: What Went Absolutely Wrong?, New York University School of Law Conference Honoring Professor Linda Silberman, April 20-21, 2023

  • Moderator, 6thAnnual Brazilian Legal Society Conference, "What to expect from Brazil over the next four years: Legal and Economic perspectives," Panel topic: "Arbitrating in Brazil: present and future," New York University School of Law, April 20, 2023

  • Lecturer, "Settlement, Evidence, Transparency, and Risk Assessment in International Commercial Arbitration," The Hague Academy of International Law, Special Course, Private International Law Session, Summer 2023 Five-Day Lecture, August 7 – 11, 2023
  • Speaker, III World Meeting of International Law Societies – ASIL – “Dealing with corruption issues in civil disputes, particularly international arbitration” Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Perú, March 23-24, 2023

  • Lecturer, Oral Advocacy in International Investment and Commercial Arbitration, New York University Law School, Spring 2014 – present
  • Guest Lecturer, Section 1782 in the Supreme Court, General and Specific Jurisdiction, NYU School of Law, April 26, 2022
  • Lecturer, Arbitration Live Webinar Global Series, “The scope of the arbitrator´s duty to disclose and its consequences” Panel presentation, March 14, 2022
  • Lecturer, "How to Read a U.S. Common Law Case for LLM Students Interested in International Commercial Arbitration," New York University, Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration, and Commercial Law, February 10, 2022
  • Guest Lecturer, "Práctica de Prueba: Discovery y Producción de Documentos," Practicum, American-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Perú, October 30, 2021
  • Lecturer, International Law and Global Governance Series, "The Doctrinal Development of the Public Purpose Doctrine in the International Law of Investment Protection and Human Rights," September 1, 2021, University of Sao Paulo, School of Law and International Relations Institute.
  • Lecturer, Brazilian Arbitration Day - NYU co-organized with NYU’s Brazilian Legal Society, “Persuasion: Strategies for effective oral advocacy from the counsel’s and the tribunal’s perspective,” August 31, 2021.
  • Lecturer, Presentation, Second Edition The American Influence on International Commercial Arbitration:  Doctrinal Developments and Discovery Methods, Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey, April 28, 2021
  • Speaker, "Global Engagement Series - Investment, Human Rights, and Sustainable Development in a Changing Latin America Order," American Society of International Law, March 17, 2021.
  • Guest Lecturer, "The King Can Do No Wrong: The Pernicious Influence of Judicial Immunity on Arbitrator Immunity,” HIALSA, Harvard Law, November 17, 2020
  • Guest Lecturer, "Derechos Humanos y Derechos Internacional de las Inversiones ¿Es posible el diálogo?," Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, September 12, 2020
  • Guest Lecturer, "Salient Themes in ICS and ISDS," Pepperdine University School of Law, March 1, 2020
  • Speaker, "ICA 2020: THE NEW RESTATEMENT The History and Future of the ALI Restatement on International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration," Dispute Resolution Law Journal - Annual Symposium, Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law, February 29, 2020
  • Speaker, “Globalization:  A Deconstruction and Reformulation of Investor-State Arbitration within the Rubric of the UNIDROIT Principles.  A Conceptual Journey,” University of Roma Tre – UNIDROIT 6thAnnual International Arbitration Lecture, September 20, 2019.
  • Speaker, "The Evolution of Investor-State Arbitration: In Search of the Right Balance Between States' Regulatory Freedom and Investors' Protection," The Investor-State Dispute Settlement System, Rome, Italy, March 21, 2019
  • Guest Lecturer, Three-day series titled "The Origins and Development of the Public Purpose Doctrine in International Law and Arbitration," Istanbul University Faculty of Law, November 5-7, 2018.
  • Guest Lecturer, "Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration," two (2) day lecture-Practicum, American-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru, October 26-27, 2018
  • "Arbitration involving State and State-owned entities - issues regarding arbitrability: international versus domestic standards," The Application of the New York Convention in Latin America: International versus Domestic Standards, NYU School of Law, New York, NY, September 13, 2018
  • Guest Lecturer, "Reconceptualizing Investment Protection Standards Towards Objective Metrics of Law and Economics and Public International Law," New York University Journal of International Law Lecture Series, New York, New York, February 22, 2018
  • Interview, La Fundación Institucionalidad y Justicia (FINJUS) Interview with Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga on International Arbitration, January 17, 2018.
  • Lecturer, "Garantías de Procedimiento en el Arbitraje," (ASD) Arbitration Santo Domingo 2017, (FINJUS - NYU), Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, November 2017
  • Lecturer, "Inherent Powers and the Taking of Evidence," Paris campus of SciencesPo, at the University of St. Gallen, Paris, Île-de-France, November 2017
  • Guest Lecturer, "Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration," two (2) day lecture-Practicum, American-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru, November 20-21, 2017
  • Lecturer, "Public Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era," Harvard University School of Law, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 4, 2017.
  • New York University (NYU) Scholar in Residence Fellow, Sept. 1-30, 2017, New York, New York.
  • Lecturer, "Conceptual Transparency in the International Law of Investment Protection," New York University Law School, September 25, 2017.
  • Keynote Speaker, “Palabras sobre la Corrupción en el Arbitraje: Hacia un Nuevo Paradigma,” IX Conferencia Latinoamericana de Arbitraje 2017, La Paz, Bolivia, June 1, 2017 
  • Key Lecturer, “The role of the concession agreement in the State´s defense within Treaty Arbitration” and “Evidence in the commercial arbitration and in the investor-State arbitration toward the norms of the IBA 2010,” Costa Rica Bar Association’s International Arbitration Conference, Costa Rica, May 15, 2017 
  • Speaker, "The Place of the Arbitrator," Bryan Cave London Office, London, United Kingdom, February 23, 2017
  • Guest Lecturer, "Public Purpose in International Law, Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era," Cornell University School of Law, February 2017.
  • Guest Lecturer, "Public Purpose in International Law," Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany, December 7, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "Symmetry and Asymmetry in Investor-State Disputes," YIAG Christmas Social, Hamburg, Germany, December 6, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "Public Purpose in International Law," The Hamburg Circle of Arbitration, Hamburg, Germany, December 5, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "Public Purpose in International Law," Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany, December 5, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "The Certainty of Uncertainty in the Protection Standards and Policies of Investor-State Arbitration," Kings College London, London, United Kingdom, December 1, 2016.
  • Lecturer, "Closing RoundTable: The Battle Between State Courts on International Arbitration Matters," 14thICC Conference, The Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Miami, Florida, November 15, 2016,
  • Lecturer - Debate, "Is the Legitimacy of International Arbitration at Risk?" Iberian Lawyer, and Kluwer Law International Masterclass, 14thICC Conference, The Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Miami, Florida, November 14, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration," two (2) day lecture-Practicum, American-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru, November 4-5, 2016
  • Interview, "The Last Eight Years of the Life of Augusto Pinochet," Four Chapter Documentary by TVN TV Network, Chile, November 2, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "Evidence Gathering in International Disputes, The Case of Augusto Pinochet, International Arbitration, and More," İstanbul Üniversitesi Merkez Bina (Istanbul University), Doktora Salonu, Istanbul Turkey, October 28, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "Standards of Protection and Exceptions in International Investment Law," Harvard Law School Alumni Association of Turkey, Crown Plaza Hotel, Harbiye, Istanbul, Turkey, October 28, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "Specialized Course in Oral Advocacy in International Arbitration," Arbitration Santo Domingo - FINJUS Academic Program, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, October 11-12, 2016
  • Speaker, "Role of the Contract in Treaty Arbitration: Concepts, Analysis, Relevant Cases" and "Evidence in International Arbitration, Investor-State and Commercial, According to 2010 IBA Rules," 2016 Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas, San Jose, Costa Rica, October 7, 2016
  • Visiting Lecturer, "Globalization and a Re-Make of Investor-State Arbitration and the workings of a New Generation of BIT’s," Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, September 19 - 23, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "Public Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era," International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID, World Bank), Washington DC, May 27, 2016.
  • Guest Lecturer, “Jurisdiction and Arbitrability in Investor-State Arbitration: An Inventory of Principles," University of Navarra, New York, NY, April 29, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "Dogmatic Uncertainty in Public International Law: Defending the Host State's Regulatory Sovereignty," Panamanian Bar Association (Colegio de Abogados de Panamá), April 25, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "A Public Purpose Analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement," through the lenses of Public Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era, published by Cambridge University Press. Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, April 18, 2016
  • Speaker, "Public Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era," McGill University, March 14, 2016
  • Guest Lecturer, "Advanced Amendments to the National Investment Law and Bilateral Investment Treaties: Ministry of Commerce and Industry," Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, November 13, 2015
  • Visiting Lecturer, "Public Purpose in International Law Debate," King's College, London, UK, October 31, 2015
  • Speaker, "Reglas de Presenacion de Pruebas," Diplomado de Arbitraje Internacional e Inversiones, Lima, Perú, October 16, 2015 
  • Featured Guest, OGEMID Guest Series, “Public Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era,” Transnational Dispute Management, September 7, 2015
  • Speaker, “New Trends in Commercial Arbitration and Investment,” First International Congress of Arbitration, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, August 31, 2015
  • Key Speaker, Conversatorio: Public Purpose in International Law – Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, August 20, 2015
  • Presenter, "Regulatory Sovereignty and the Public Purpose Doctrine in International Law," Miami International Arbitration Society Meeting, Miami, FL, August 7, 2015
  • Presenter, "Strategic Approaches to International Commercial and Investment Arbitration: Making a Difference Before and After a Dispute Arises," Emerson Electric, St. Louis, MO, July 17, 2015
  • Keynote Speaker, "Armonización de las Cláusulas Paraguas en el Arbitraje Investor-Estado?" IX Seminario Internacional de Derecho Privado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid), Madrid, Spain, May 21, 2015
  • Panelist, "Dogmatism and Pragmatism in the ICC, ICDR, DIS, and LCIA Rules Concerning the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration," 9th Latin American Congress on Arbitration, Lima, Perú, April 28, 2015
  • Presenter, "International Arbitration," Bryan Cave CLE Presentation Series, Vanderbilt School of Law, Nashville, TN, April 16, 2015
  • Presenter, "International Dispute Resolution," Garmin International, Olathe, KS, April 14, 2015
  • Presenter, “Public Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era," Arbitration Forum, New York University (NYU) School of Law's Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration and Commercial Law, New York, NY, March 23, 2015
  • Moderator, "ICC in Good Company: A Comparison of Investment Dispute Fora," Investment Arbitration: The ICC Experience, Washington, DC, February 26, 2015
  • Presenter, “Strategic Approaches to International Commercial Arbitration: Making a Difference Before and After a Dispute Arises,” 2015 Bryan Cave In-House Counsel CLE Institute, Atlanta, GA, January 30, 2015
  • Keynote (Magisterial) Lecture, “The Metaphor of 28 U.S.C. § 1782 and a New Conceptualization of Convergence between Investor-State and International Commercial Arbitration,” Sponsored by NYU, ICC and FINJUS, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, November 19, 2014
  • Lecturer, “New Funding Issues in Arbitration: a Luxury Item or Business Imperative?” Iberian Lawyer Breakfast Arbitration Master Class, Miami, FL, November 3, 2014
  • Lecturer, "How to Strategically Use and Win International Arbitrations," Bryan Cave International Law Symposium at Saint Louis University School of Law, St. Louis, MO, October 16, 2014
  • Lecturer, “Influencia de Normativa Procesal Norteamericana sobre los Arbitrajes Internacionales con Sede en los Estados Unidos,” VI Conferencia Latinoamericana de Arbitraje, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, May 29, 2014
  • Lecturer, “Enforcing decisions in the Middle East: Islamic Law and Arbitration,” The Spanish Arbitration Club Under Forty (CEA-40) and the  Universidad Pontifica  Comillas, Madrid, Spain, May 22, 2014
  • Lecturer, “Umbrella Clauses in Treaty-Based Arbitration,” University of Navarra, New York, NY,  April 29, 2014
  • Lecturer, “Evidence Gathering in International Commercial and Treaty-Based Arbitration,” University of Navarra, New York, NY, April 29, 2014
  • Lecturer, “Globalization and IDR,” University of Navarra, New York, NY, April 29, 2014
  • Lecturer, "Analysis of the 2010 IBA Rules on The Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration," Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid), Madrid, Spain, February 2014
  • Commentator, "The Star-Expert in International Arbitration," New York chapter of the Spanish Arbitration Club ("Club Español del Arbitraje"), in collaboration with the Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration and Commercial Law of New York University School of Law, New York, January 20, 2014
  • Lecturer, "Investor-State Arbitration as an Alternative to International Commercila Arbitration or Judicial Remedies," Cap Cana, Dominican Republic, December 5, 2013 
  • Lecturer, "Fair and Equitable Treatment," Seminario Internacional de Arbitraje de Inversión, Santo Domingo, November 14, 2013
  • Lecturer, "Harmonizing WTO, ICSID, and International Commercial Arbitration Parallel Proceedings," National Judicial College (Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura) Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, November 13, 2013
  • Lecturer,"Globalization and International Dispute Resolution," Columbia University School of Law, October 25, 2013
  • Lecturer, "Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration," IV Diplomado en Arbitraje Internacional e Inversiones, Universidad del Pacífico, Escuela de Postgrado, Lima, Perú, October 17, 2013
  • Lecturer, "Trato justo y equitativo. Trato de nación más favorecida. Expropiación y medidas equivalentes a expropiación," I Seminario Internacional de Arbitraje de Inversión, Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje, Lima, Perú, October 2-3, 2013
  • Lecturer, "Anatomy of Treaty Based Investor-State Arbitration: Revisiting Principles In Flux," Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona Spain, September 23-27, 2013
  • Lecturer, "Enforcement Policies," Forum Shopping in International Arbitration, New York University (NYU) Center for Transnational Litigation and Commercial Law, March 1, 2013
  • Lecturer, "Reglas Sobre Presentación de Prueba," III Diplomado en Arbitraje Internacional E Inversiones, Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Perú, November 19, 2012
  • Lecturer, "¿Qué importancia tiene hacer una elección acertada del árbitro?," II Encuentro de Capítulos Internacionales del Club Español de Arbitraje, México City, México, November 8, 2012
  • Lecturer, "Causes of Action in International Commercial Arbitration and Investor-State Arbitration," East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China, May 14-25, 2012 (two week, 18 hour seminar)
  • Lecturer, "Harmonizing Fair and Equitable Treatment with the Doctrine of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources: Protecting All Sides in an Equal Way," International Conference of Settlement of Investment Disputes and Arbitration, International Jurists Association, Istanbul, Turkey, April 11, 2012
  • Presenter, "Book Roundtable: Certificate of Merit for Preeminent Contribution to Scholarship, Nico Krisch, Beyond Constitutionalism," American Society of International Law 106th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, March 31, 2012
  • Presenter, "Ley aplicable en los arbitrajes internacionales; Ley de fondo y Lex arbitri, Mecanismos de protección de las inversiones extranjeras previstos en los tratados de libre comercio (TLC) y en los tratados bilaterales de protección (TBI)," III Congreso Internacional de Arbitraje in San Jose, Costa Rica, February 12-14, 2012
  • Presenter, "US Style Discovery Methods in International Commercial Arbitration," Loyola University Chicago International Law Review symposium on "The US Impact On International Commercial Arbitration: Positive or Negative?," February 2012
  • Lecturer, "Treaty Claims and Contract Claims," Diplomado De Arbitraje de Inversiones, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Perú, December 10, 2011
  • Presenter, "La Clausula Sombrilla, El Consentimiento al Arbitraje, and Juridiction and Fork in the Road," Diplomado de Arbitraje, Camara de Comercio de Bogota, Bogota, Colombia, November 28, 2011
  • Moderator, ICC Master Class, "New Options for Funding International Arbitration," Iberian Legal Group, Miami, Fla, November 7, 2011
  • Presenter, The Rise of General Exceptions in Bilateral Investment Treaties, Georgetown International Arbitration Society Fall Half-Day Conference, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, November 4, 2011.
  • Lecturer, "International Dispute Resolution," Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, September 26-30, 2011 (one week, 15 hour seminar)
  • Presenter, "Ethics Discussion: Analyzing Relationship Variations within International Dispute Resolution," 9th Annual ICDR Miami International Arbitration Conference, Miami, Florida, September 15, 2011.
  • Presenter, "Res Judicata in the Context of Multi-Party, Complex Arbitration," Fifth Annual Fordham Law Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation, Fordham University, New York, NY, June 15, 2011
  • Presenter, International Arbitration in the Energy Sector, 2011 FIU Arbitration Summit, Florida International University School of Law, May 2011
  • Lecturer, "Instrumentos para acceder a la prueba documental en el arbitraje: Discovery vs. Sistema Procesal Civil" ("Instruments for obtaining documentary evidence in arbitration: Discovery vs. the Civil System") annual meeting of the Asociación para el Fomento del Arbitraje held in Barcelona, Spain, April 2011
  • Presenter, Appointment of Arbitrators: Best Practices, Repeat Arbitrators and Conflicts of Interest, Columbia University Arbitration Day, March 2011
  • Presenter, "Labor Rights and Environmental Protections," University of Miami Inter-American Law Review symposium on "The Human Element: The Impact of Regional Trade Agreements on Human Rights and the Rule of Law," February 2011
  • Presenter, Reconocimiento y Ejecución de los Laudos Arbitrales Convención de Nueva York y Convención de Panamá, II Congreso de Arbitraje Internacional de Costa Rica, San Jose Costa Rica, February 2011
  • Presenter, "The Americanization of International Commercial Arbitration?," The McGill Arbitration Society, McGill Faculty of Law, Montreal, Canada, January 2011
  • Presenter, "Apuntes sobre la Necesidad de Armonizar el Principio de Protección de la Inversión Extranjera con el Concepto de Soberanía Regulatoria del Estado en el Arbitraje Internacional: Una Oportunidad para Forjar Jurisprudencia Transnacional," XXVI Congreso del Instituto Hispano-Luso-Americano de Derecho Internacional, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, December 2010
  • Presenter, ICC 8th Annual Conference - International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America: The ICC Perspective, Welcome Dinner Speech, November 2010
  • Presenter, Iberian Lawyer and Wolters Kluwer's, Miami Master Class 2010, November 2010, Miami, Florida
  • Presenter, Convención Internacional de Arbitraje. Encuentro de los Capítulos Internacionales del Club Español de Arbitraje. Novedades Legislativas y Práctica Judicial Reciente en Materia de Arbitraje. November 2010, Lima, Perú
  • Presenter, Diplomado en Arbitraje Nacional e Internacional, Pruebas en el Arbitraje. October 2010, Lima, Perú
  • Presenter, Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje, 1er Curso Internacional de Formación de Árbitros- La Prueba en el Arbitraje y las Reglas de la IBA sobre Prueba del 2010. Lima, Perú, October, 2010
  • Presenter, ITA-CCB Americas Workshop: Confronting Ethical Issues in International Arbitration and Featuring Perspective of Latin American Arbitral Institutions, Bogota, Colombia, October 2010
  • Presenter, "La Fase Probatoria en el Proceso Arbital," 1er Curso Internacional de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones, Panamá City, Panamá, October 2010
  • Presenter, "Conflicto de leyes en materia de arbitraje de inversion: Tension entre el derecho internacional público y privado," 4to Programa de Alta Especializacion en Arbitraje Internacional, Lima, Perú, July 2010
  • Presenter, "The Extension of Arbitration Agreements to Non-Signatories under United States Law," Conferencia Latinoamericana de Arbitraje 2010, Asunción, Paraguay, June 2010
  • Lecturer, "Conceptualism and Territoriality in International Arbitration," East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China, May 2010
  • Lecturer, "Globalization and The Economics of International Arbitration," Central University of Finance and Economics, The China Academy of Public Finance and Public Policy, 2010
  • Lecturer, "The Anatomy of International Arbitration: Analyzing The New York Convention and The Role of the Judiciary," The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of International Law, Beijing, China, May 2010
  • Presenter, "Precedent in Investor-State Arbitration," IV Congreso Peruano Internacional de Arbitraje, Lima, Perú, April 2010
  • Presenter, "The New Global Law in International Dispute Resolution," University of Miami School of Law International Law Society, April 8, 2010
  • Presenter, "International Commercial Arbitration in the Americas: Beyond Cultural Clash and Toward Maturity," American University Washington College of Law Center on International Commercial Arbitration Annual Conference, March 17, 2010
  • Lecturer, Iberian Lawyer and Kluwer Law International Master Class, 7th Annual Miami Conference International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America. November 2009
  • Lecturer, "Investor-state Arbitration: Myth or Reality," Magíster Program, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid), Facultad de Derecho, October 8, 2009
  • Keynote Speaker, "Love, Romance, and Law in Don Quixote," St. John's College, Annapolis, September 25, 2009
  • Keynote Speaker, "The Gathering of Evidence in ICSID Arbitrations," Spanish Arbitration Club, Lima, Perú, August 2009
  • Keynote Speaker and Presenter, "Globalization and Arbitration," 1er Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Empresa, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima, Perú, August 2009
  • Presenter, "Analysis of the State of Necesity Defense in International Investment Arbitration," 3er Curso de Alta Especializacion en Arbitraje Internacional, Análisis de la Jurisprudencia CIADI, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) e Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje, Lima, Perú, August 2009
  • Presenter, "The Ethics of the Arbitral Tribunal and a Practical Problem," Curso de Postgrado en Practica Arbitral Nacional e International, Universidad Jesuita Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, Lima, Perú, August 2009
  • Presenter, "Seminario Permanente - La Ley Procesal Aplicable en Arbitraje Internacional y la toma de Pruebas," Centro Internacional de Arbitraje Mediación y Negociacion (CIAMEN), Instituto Universitario de Estudio Europeo (CEU), Madrid, Spain, June 2009
  • Keynote Speaker and Presenter, "El Arbitraje Internacional y su Desarrollo en Chile: Aspectos Prácticos y Desafíos Futuros," Centro Nacional de Arbitraje (CNA), Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, April 2009
  • Presenter, "Hacia la Consolidación del Arbitraje," III Congreso Peruano Internacional de Arbitraje, Lima, Perú, April 2009
  • Presenter, International Commercial Arbitration and Conflicts of Law, Firenze (Florence), Italy, April 2009
  • Presenter, "Evaluation and Calculation of Damages: Theory and Practice," Sixth ICC Annual Conference - International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America: The ICC Perspective, November 2008
  • Lecturer, "Promoción del Magíster en Derecho de los Negocios Internacionales," Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid), October 2008
  • Lecturer, "On Developments in Private Procedural International Law–Human Rights and International Dispute Resolution," Universidad de Navarra, Facultad de Derecho, October 2008
  • Presenter, "NAFTA: La Experiencia de Estados Unidos en Arbitraje de Inversión y Comercio," Instituto Perúano de Arbitraje, Arbitraje de Inversión, Universidad Perúana de Ciencias Aplicadas, 2008
  • Lecturer, "Globalización Procesal y Arbitraje Internacional," Universidad Católica de Cuyo, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, San Juan, República de Argentina, September 2008
  • Lecturer, "La Actualidad del Arbitraje Internacional y Derecho Procesal en el Perú y en el Derecho Comparativo," Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Perú, July 2008
  • Speaker, "Economia Social de Mercadeo en el Perú y la Administración de Justicia," La Universidad de Lima, June 2008
  • Speaker, "Dirty Money and Bank Fraud," Miami 2008 IRE Conference, June 2008
  • Lecturer, "Arbitraje Comercial Internacional, Contribucion del Derecho Estadounidence al Derecho Procesal Internacional," Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain, April 2008
  • Visiting Lecturer, "Applicable Procedural Law in International Commercial Arbitration," Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid), February 26, 2008
  • Visiting Professor, Taught course on International Arbitration and Litigation, Universidad de Navarra, February 11-23, 2008
  • Presenter, "El caso Pinochet-Riggs Bank: la investigación del lavado de dinero de los activos del ex dictator chileno Augusto Pinochet y su familia, Todo Lo Que Usted Quiere Saber Sobre El Lavado De Dinero," Press Institute of the Inter-American Press Association, Mexico City, Mexico, November 28-30, 2007
  • Presenter, "Institutional Arbitration in the USA," Istanbul Conference on International Dispute Resolution, A Global Perspective, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, presided over by the Turkish Minister of Justice, November 15, 2007
  • Lecturer, "Estructura del poder judicial en los EE.UU., a nivel estatal y federal. Esquema del proceso civil en los EE.UU. Los conceptos de pretrial deposition, discovery, injunction y contempt of court. La Ley Federal de Arbitraje de 1950. La Ley de Arbitraje Comercial Internacional Vigente en el Estado de Florida," University of Alcalá, Spain, March 16, 2007
  • Lecturer, "Private Procedural International Law and Arbitration, Discovery in Arbitration Civil Law and Common Law Systems and Convergence of Legal Cultures," University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, March 15, 2007
  • Roundtable Participant, Master Arbitrator Roundtable, Fourth IBA International Arbitration Conference, Madrid, Spain, March 1, 2007
  • Presenter, "Dealing with Challenges in International Arbitration: A Comparative Approach," University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review Symposium, January 20, 2007
  • Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court, judged and graded briefs, 2006 and 2007
  • Lecturer, "International Private Procedural Law and International Arbitration," Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007
  • Lecturer, "International Private Procedural Law and International Arbitration," Istanbul Kültür University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007
  • Lecturer, "International Private Procedural Law and International Arbitration," Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007
  • Presenter, "Recent Developments in International Human Rights," ABA Section of International Law, Fall Meeting, Miami, Florida, November 8-11, 2006
  • Presenter, 7ma Conferencia Anual Latinoamericana Sobre Lavado de Dinero, Mexico City, Mexico, August 2-4, 2006
  • Presenter, "Arbitration in Europe and Latin America, Current Situation and Future Goals," Madrid, Spain, June 12, 2006
  • Presenter, The Florida Bar's Fourth Annual International Litigation and Arbitration Update, Miami, Florida, May 11-12, 2006
  • Roundtable participant, Hemispheric Trade Conference at Louisiana State University Law Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 25-27, 2006
  • Presenter, "Ilicitos Financieros en un Mundo Globalizado," Conference presented by the Consejo de Defensa del Estado de Chile and Kroll, Santiago, Chile, March 30, 2006
  • Panelist, "Critical Role of the Judiciary in International Arbitration," ICDR 4th Annual International Arbitration Conference, Miami, Florida, March 26-28, 2006
  • Panelist and Speaker, "Eleventh Annual International Money Laundering Conference and Exhibition," Hollywood, Florida, March 16, 2006
  • Presenter, "The International Criminal Court: Progress and Prospects - A colloquium on the powers, challenges and present status of the International Criminal Court at The Hague," Florida International University, February 15, 2006
  • Presenter, "European Union Law and US Business Front Line Issues of International Dispute Resolution," The Miami-Florida European Center of Excellence Seminar, Greenberg Traurig, Miami, Florida, January 12, 2006
  • Presenter, Third Annual Conference, "International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America: The ICC Perspective," Key Biscayne, Florida, November 6-8, 2005
  • Presenter, "The International Litigation and Arbitration Committee of the International Law Section of the Florida Bar," Third Annual International Litigation Update: Hot Topics in International Litigation, Miami, Florida, May 20, 2005
  • Presenter, First Annual Conference sponsored by El Club Español de Arbitraje, presided over by His Majesty Juan Carlos, King of Spain, Madrid, Spain, June 13-14, 2005
  • Presenter, "International Arbitration Update," Second Annual Florida Bar International Conference, Miami, Florida, October 8, 2004
  • Presenter, "Key Points for Improving International Collections," Latin American Leadership Council, Miami, Florida, September 9, 2004
  • Moderator, "The Alien Tort Claims Act: Awakening Monster or Avenging Angel?," The St. Thomas International Law Society, First Annual International Law Symposium, March 12, 2004
  • Moderator, "The Impact of Civil Procedure and Domestic Arbitration," International Chamber of Commerce Conference, October 28, 2003
  • Moderator, "International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America: The ICC Perspective," International Chamber of Commerce Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, October 26-28, 2003
  • Presenter, "Forum Non Conveniens: Developments and Issues Over the Past Seven Years," University of Miami Inter-American Law Review Symposium, March 28, 2003
  • Program Chair, Faculty and Steering Committee, The Florida Bar Code & Rules of Evidence Committee, 1995 Advanced Evidence Seminar: "Beyond Hearsay (Your Favorite Experts on Their Favorite Topics)," March 16-May 5, 1995

  • Honorary Professor of Law, Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Perú
  • Honorary Professor of Law, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima, Perú,
  • Full Visiting Professor, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
  • Advisor, American Law Institute, Restatement on the U.S. Law on International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration

  • Executive Council of the American Society of International Law

  • Selected by the Executive Committee of the Court of Arbitration of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) to serve as a member of the SIAC Panel of Arbitrators. (2025-Present) 

  • Co-Chair, 2022 American Society of International Law Mid-Year Meeting, University of Miami and BCLP, November 10-12, 2022
  • Co-Chair Practitioner’s Forum, American Society of International Law (“ASIL”), Mid-Year Meeting November 10-13, 2021, University of Miami
  • Member, American Society of International Law (“ASIL”) Executive Council; Development Committee; Steering Committee, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) 
  • Member, Roster of International Arbitrators of the National and International Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce (2020)
  • Advisor, Advisory Group for the Restatement (Third) of the U.S. Law of International Commercial Arbitration, American Law Institute (ALI)
  • Chair, The Florida Bar Code and Rules of Evidence Committee, 1996 (also served as Vice-Chair of the Committee in 1995)
  • Member, The Florida Bar Civil Procedure Rules Committee, 1990-1997
  • Member, The Florida Bar Rules of Judicial Administration Committee, 1996-1997
  • Past Member, Advisory Committee on Rules and Procedures, US District Court, Southern District of Florida (Appointed by the Honorable Judge Nesbitt, United States Federal District Court Judge)
  • Chair (1996), Vice-Chair (1995), The Dade County Bar Association Federal Courts Committee

  • Awards Review Committee, Madrid International Arbitration Center (Centro Internacional de Arbitraje de Madrid)
  • Pro Bono Coordinators (Miami)
  • International Litigation and Arbitration Certification Committee, Florida Bar Committee (2021-2022)

  • Listed, The Best Lawyers in America, Commercial Litigation, 2005-2025
  • Listed, The Best Lawyers in America, International Arbitration - Commercial, 2009-2025
  • Listed, The Best Lawyers in America, International Arbitration - Governmental, 2009-2025
  • Listed, "Latin America's Top 100 Lawyers," Latinvex 2015-2024
  • Distinguished Visiting Practitioner of International Law of the New York University School of Law
  • Active Member of the New York University (NYU) Law School, 2012 - present
  • Fellow, NYU School of Law Scholar-in Residence, September 2017
  • Recipient, Award of Merit, St. John's College Alumni Association, 2022
  • Recipient, Columbia University Distinguished Alumnus Award, 2013
  • Listed, Who's Who Legal: Arbitration, 2022-2025
  • Listed, Who's Who Legal: Commercial Litigation, 2021
  • Recipient, The Lawyer Network Annual Awards, International Commercial Arbitration Expert of the Year in Florida, 2021
  • Board Certified in International Litigation & Arbitration (Florida)

  • Listed, 2021 South Florida Legal Guide, Top Lawyer
  • Listed, Latinvex Top 100 Lawyers 2020, Litigation & Arbitration
  • Listed, Who's Who Legal: Florida 2020, Litigation & Arbitration
  • Exclusive Winner of the 2019 Lexology Client Choice International Arbitration & ADR Award for Florida
  • Member, Top 100 Registry
  • Named,  AV Preeminent Top Rated Lawyer - Legal Leaders: ADR
  • Listed, Best Lawyers In South Florida - The Wall Street Journal, 2017-2019 
  • The Best Lawyers in America, "Lawyer of the Year" (International Arbitration - Governmental in Miami), 2022
  • Listed, Chambers & Partners USA Guide, an annual listing of the leading business lawyers and law firms in the world, 2004-Present
  • Listed, The Legal 500 Latin America, International Arbitration, noted as a "prominent Latin American arbitration expert," 2016
  • Recipient, "Lawyer of the Americas" Award, The University of Miami School of Law, 2001
  • Listed, Expert Guide for Commercial Arbitration, October 2014
  • Recognized, Top Lawyer, South Florida Legal Guide, 2000-2020  
  • Selected from a pool of 1.1 million to The Lawdragon 500 New Stars, New Worlds listing of 500 lawyers "who are carrying the profession to new frontiers," Lawdragon Magazine, Summer 2006
  • Listed as one of the "Lawdragon 3000 Leading Lawyers in America,", 2006
  • United Way Dorothy Shula Award for Outstanding Volunteerism, Finalist, 2006
  • "Most Effective Lawyer" Award (Arbitration) Finalist (2014) 
  • "Most Effective Lawyer" Award (Pro Bono) Finalist (2010)
  • "Most Effective Lawyer" Award (International Law) Finalist (2006)
  • "Most Effective Lawyer" Award (International Law) (2005)
  • Elected to the American Law Institute (ALI), 1999-Present; Life Member
  • Recognized as a Top 100 Lawyer in Florida and featured as the cover story in the inaugural issue of Florida Super Lawyers magazine, 2006
  • Listed, The International Who's Who of Business Lawyers, Commercial Litigation, 2008-2015
  • Listed, The International Who's Who of Commercial Arbitration, 2010-2016
  • Recognized, Top 100 Lawyers, Florida Super Lawyers, 2006 (cover)-2021
  • Recognized, Top 500 Lawyers, InterContinental Finance Magazine, 2013
  • Listed as Leading Lawyer in PLC's Cross-border Dispute Resolution Handbook, 2011
  • Highly Recommended for dispute resolution and corporate/M&A by PLC Which Lawyer? Yearbook 2008, 13th Edition
  • Recognized, "Florida Legal Elite," Florida Trend Magazine (top 2 percent of lawyers in Florida), 2004-2014

Spoken Languages

  • German
  • Spanish
  • English
  • French


  • Spain
  • District of Columbia
  • Florida
  • New York


Columbia University, J.D., Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar – (Distinguished Alumni Merit Award Recipient)

St. John’s College (Annapolis), B.A., Highest Institutional Honors - (Distinguished Alumni Merit Award Recipient)

La Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid), Licenciatura en Derecho (J.D. equivalent)

La Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid), Master in Private and Public International Law (LL.M. equivalent)

La Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid), Diploma de Estudios Avanzados in International Law

La Universidad Complutense de Madrid (University of Madrid), Ph.D., cum laude


  • Appointed as Lead Counsel for Turkish investors in investor-State arbitration against the Republic of Yemen regarding a $700 MM claim
  • Appointed as Lead Counsel for a Claimant Swedish corporation against Respondent Mexican corporation in an international arbitration $42 million claim (ICDR Case No. 01-21-0002-6616)
  • Appointed as Lead Counsel for a Claimant against the United Mexican States in an international treaty-based arbitration (legacy NAFTA under the CUSMA) in a USD 5 Bn. dispute (ICSID Case No. ARB/23/15)
  • Appointed as Lead Counsel for a Fortune 100 corporate Mexican subsidiary in an international arbitration against media Florida corporation in $30 million claim (ICDR Case No. 01-19-0001-6290)
  • Appointed as Lead Counsel for the Dominican Republic in an UNCITRAL investor-state dispute filed in 2016 and concluded in March 2017
  • Appointed as Lead Counsel for an investor (hospitality sector) in ICSID (World Bank) arbitration against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela pursuant to Barbados-Venezuela Bilateral Investment Treaty with claims exceeding US$400 million
  • Appointed as Lead Counsel for an investor (financial sector) in ICSID (World Bank) arbitration against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela pursuant to Spain-Venezuela Bilateral Investment Treaty with claims exceeding US$250 million
  • Appointed as Lead Counsel for an investor (automotive sector) in ICSID (World Bank) arbitration against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela pursuant to Barbados-Venezuela Bilateral Investment Treaty with claims exceeding US$500 million
  • Appointed as Lead Counsel for an investor (banking sector) in ICSID (World Bank) arbitration against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela pursuant to Spain-Venezuela Bilateral Investment Treaty with claims exceeding US$300 million
  • Appointed as Lead Counsel in an investor-State dispute, US$500 million amount in controversy Case PCA No. 2018-56 against the Republic of Colombia
  • Appointed as Lead Counsel in an investor-State dispute, US$500 million amount in controversy ICSID Case No. ARB/18/5 against the Republic of Colombia
  • Served as arbitrator in ICC arbitration US$300 million dispute concerning a state-of-the-art solar panel plant international arbitration ICC Case No. 23247/MK
  • Represented the Republic of Ecuador before the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) (World Bank) in the matter styled Occidental Petroleum Corporation and Occidental Exploration and Production Company v. Republic of Ecuador (ICSID Case No. ARB/06/11). The amount in controversy exceeded US$2 billion
  • Represented five BVI companies in one billion dollar expropriation claim against the Republic of Ecuador, in the US Federal Court for the Southern District of NY
  • Served as an arbitrator before the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) (World Bank), under the auspices of the World Bank, in the matter styled Urbaser S.A. and Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Biskaia, Bilbao Biskaia Ur Partzuergoa v. Argentine Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/07/26)
  • Represented plaintiff in a judicial proceeding in an $800 million expropriation claim against the Republic of Ecuador
  • Represented plaintiff in one billion dollar expropriation claim against the Republic of Venezuela in US Federal District Court
  • Tribunal President in international commercial arbitration between Dominican and Venezuelan parties, (ICDR Case No. 01-16-0001-7330)
  • Sole arbitrator in dispute between Israeli weapons systems engineering firm and a major Brazil based global infrastructure company (ICC Case No. 21155/R)
  • Defending South American soccer confederation and ten South American national soccer federations in litigation concerning commercial rights for Copa América soccer tournament
  • Represented the American Bar Association in the filing of an Amicus Brief before the United States Supreme Court addressing legal ethics and the role of prosecutors in the case styled: Juan Smith v. Burl Cain, Warden (Louisiana) (Case No. 10-8145)
  • Represented claimant in the proceeding Inversiones Fernandez Bertran S.R.L., a Puerto Rico corporation, v. Commercial Steel and Tube, LLC., a BVI corporation (ICDR Case No. 13-2014CA01)
  • Served as an arbitrator before the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) in the matter styles Alberto Pryme v. Celebrity Cruise Lines, LTD (Case No. 50 20 1400-0090)
  • Represented U.S. based multinational in international commercial arbitral proceeding against an Ecuadorian entity concerning a $35 million dispute before the Centre for Arbitration and Mediation of the Quito Chamber of Commerce, Case No. 069/14, award issued on May 6, 2015
  • Represented two instrumentalities of a sovereign in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration against the instrumentality of another sovereign that sought to control, in perpetuity, 35% of the electrical energy produced by the respondent, counter-petitioner sovereign. The amount in controversy exceeded US$1.5 billion
  • Represented two financial institutions in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration against a non-US airline where the amount in controversy exceeded US$200 million
  • Represented a Ecuador-based multinational in a US$62 million claim asserted by a British Virgin Islands entity an International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) arbitration
  • Represented an international cruise line in an International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) arbitration arising from investments made by the cruise line in a private-island port of call in the Dominican Republic
  • Representing the Consejo de Defensa del Estado de la República de Chile in a pre-action 28 U.S.C. 1782 proceeding to solicit discovery in aid of criminal cases filed in Chile against former President Augusto Pinochet
  • Prevailing successfully on summary judgment in seven of eight claims filed on behalf of 340 Canadian citizens and three corporate entities against a financial service institution seeking, in part, rescission of a US$28 million transaction
  • Representing successfully an incarcerated journalist and political dissident and activist before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
  • Defended successfully a criminal and civil complaint filed in Bari, Italy, against an individual charged with a transnational racketeering scheme concerning the illicit trafficking of merchandise and tax fraud in Germany, Holland, Montenegro and Italy
  • Represented a leading provider of natural gas services and the largest pipeline company in North America in litigation resulting from different proceedings conducted in the Dominican Republic and a related ICC arbitration
  • Defended successfully an entity in an ICDR arbitration and prevailing on a counterclaim that client filed against claimant in that proceeding
  • Represented a Guatemala-owned airline in a Petition for Remission and Mitigation of Penalty
  • Represented a joint venture in an ICDR international arbitration dispute over greenfield manufacturing plants in Argentina and Colombia, and associated South American distribution rights
  • Obtained a multimillion dollar settlement as a defender/counter-plaintiff in a RICO proceeding
  • Obtained an award of more than US$1 million against a major financial institution on a motion for judgment on the pleadings in federal court without oral argument
  • Represented successfully financial institutions in multimillion-dollar liability actions
  • Represented successfully an individual plaintiff in a multimillion-dollar settlement against one of the largest providers of wireless telephone and communications services
  • Defended successfully six interrelated cases, each alleging multimillion-dollar claims, filed in Spain, the British Virgin Islands, Delaware, Puerto Rico and Florida
  • Provided counsel to a Fortune 100 company in a dispute over the interest in the income generated in the largest private investment to date in El Salvador

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