Karen English

Karen English
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Karen English

Karen English

Associate Director

Karen English
  1. People /

Karen English

Karen English

Associate Director

Karen English

Associate Director


T: +44 (0) 20 3400 3831

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Karen is an Associate Director in the Real Estate Department at BCLP Manchester and heads up the Real Estate Due Diligence team. 

Qualified for over 17 years, Karen has extensive experience of mainstream commercial real estate work and since 2015 has managed BCLP’s wholly remote working Due Diligence team. Currently made up of 13 experienced senior associates, the Due Diligence team is spread geographically across the whole of the UK and supports BCLP’s wider Real Estate department in their transactions,  ranging from small stand alone DD tasks to multi-team led higher profile deals. 

In addition to the day to day management of the Due Diligence team, Karen’s focus is on the innovative service delivery models that BCLP continue to introduce that allow flexible working arranagments for their employees whilst at the same time maintaining strategic direction and job satisfaction for all involved.


  • England and Wales

Related Practice Areas

  • Real Estate

  • Commercial Real Estate

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