Judy Mackenzie Stuart

Judith Mackenzie Stuart
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Judy Mackenzie Stuart

Judy Mackenzie Stuart

Global Chief Knowledge Officer

Judith Mackenzie Stuart
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Judy Mackenzie Stuart

Judy Mackenzie Stuart

Global Chief Knowledge Officer

Judy Mackenzie Stuart

Global Chief Knowledge Officer


T: +44 (0) 20 3400 2232

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Judy Mackenzie Stuart is BCLP’s Global Chief Knowledge Officer, responsible for the firm's central knowledge, knowledge lawyer and research teams globally.  Her role focuses on the creation, capture and dissemination of knowledge, information and data across the global firm; efficient and re-engineered service delivery; and leveraging new KM technologies for the benefit of clients and firm, including use of generative AI. She also oversees the provision of current awareness, market and sector research and competitive intelligence for the firm.  Under her leadership, BCLP has won a number of industry and peer awards for BCLP Discover, the firm’s innovative “Smart Matter Hub” platform.

Prior to joining BCLP in 2016, Judy was Chief Knowledge Officer of Shearman & Sterling LLP, with responsibility for knowledge management, conflicts & new business intake and research, information & library services worldwide. With over 30 years’ experience of the legal industry, she also has extensive knowledge of business and practice management, law firm risk management and regulatory compliance. Judy is a qualified lawyer, having trained and practised in Linklaters’ competition group in London and Brussels from 1990 -1999.


  • England and Wales

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