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Business & Commercial Disputes
Jun 28, 2024

HK court clarified and confirmed that orders for interim measures cannot be challenged using the grounds for setting aside final awards

In G v N [2024] HKCFI 721 (judgment date: 11 March 2024), a Hong Kong court dismissed an application to set aside the enforcement of an interim order which an arbitrator had made requiring a party to…
Jun 26, 2024

The Hong Kong Court Dismisses Challenge to Remove Arbitrators on Ground of Apparent Bias

In P v D [2024] HKCFI 1123 (judgment date: 30 April 2024), the Hong Kong Court of First Instance dismissed an application, pursuant to section 26 of the Arbitration Ordinance, by the challenging party…
Jun 25, 2024

HK court considered the proper scope of the court’s intervention against an arbitral tribunal’s ruling regarding public policy

In G v N [2023] HKCFI 3366 (judgment date: 29 December 2023), a Hong Kong court considered the question of whether and to what extent it is open for the court to review an arbitrator’s ruling on…
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