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First Amendment and Religious Accommodations Experience

First Amendment and Religious Accommodations Experience

First Amendment and Religious Accommodations Experience

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BCLP’s Religious Organizations Team has substantial experience with First Amendment and religious autonomy issues that are critical for religious organizations seeking to cultivate and advance their distinctly religious character and mission. We help our clients navigate through the complex and dynamic intersection of religion and civil law.

Religious Tax Exemptions. We assist clients in securing the benefit of property, sales/use and income tax exemptions based on their religious character and/or mission. We also help clients with more specialized exemptions, such as the housing allowance for ministers, “church” status under the Internal Revenue Code, and the religious employer exemption in the Affordable Care Act.

Faith-Based Employment. We advise and represent clients on the right to make employment decisions based on religious considerations (pursuant to federal, state and local laws). We help clients develop policies and practices to ensure that they retain this right in various employment contexts.

Amicus Briefs. We prepare and file amicus briefs in key federal and state cases involving legal principles particularly important to religious organizations.

Funding for Faith-Based Organization. We have advised faith-based organizations with respect to opportunities to receive funds from governmental agencies for their activities. We have identified and challenged the conditions attached to such funds that could impair the religious character and mission of our clients.

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