Shelley J. Goto

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Shelley J. Goto

Shelley J. Goto


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Shelley J. Goto

Shelley J. Goto


Shelley J. Goto


Phoenix/Los Angeles

T: +1 602 364 7284

T: +1 310 576 2249

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Shelley Goto practices with the firm’s Financial Services and Real Estate groups.  Ms. Goto primarily represents major financial institutions and CMBS/CME loan servicers in connection with both securitized and unsecuritized commercial mortgage loan transactions, with a particular focus on originations and defeasances.  With regard to the latter, she has assisted lenders and servicers in defeasing over $1 billion in commercial mortgages annually since 2015.

Ms. Goto has represented landlords and tenants in reviewing and negotiating commercial leases, and has negotiated and documented real estate purchase and sale transactions.  She also has experience advocating for non-profit organizations in various collaborative ventures.

Prior to joining the firm, Ms. Goto volunteered with the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center’s legal aid clinic through the USC Law School Public Interest Law Foundation. During law school, she served as editor for the Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal.


  • California, 2016

    Arizona, 2012


University of Southern California, J.D., 2012

University of Southern California, B.A., cum laude, 2009

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