Sharonrose Tan

Sharonrose Tan
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Sharonrose Tan

Sharonrose Tan


Sharonrose Tan
  1. People /

Sharonrose Tan

Sharonrose Tan


Sharonrose Tan



T: +65 6571 6649

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Sharonrose advises primarily on commercial matters across a broad range of industries. In particular, she regularly represents owners, developers and international operators across the Asia-Pacific region on their hospitality projects, which includes hotels, branded residences and mixed-use resorts.

Sharonrose also advises multinational corporations, regional companies and start-ups on their corporate and regulatory matters. This encompasses international labour issues (including recruitment, secondment and redundancy concerns), data protection, mergers and acquisitions, private equity and other cross-border matters. She also handles regional labour and employment issues arising from corporate restructuring and reorganizations and global mobility concerns relating to expatriate assignments or the transfer of personnel between countries.

Spoken Languages

  • English


  • Singapore

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