Seth C. Pearson

Seth Pearson
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Seth C. Pearson

Seth C. Pearson


Seth Pearson
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Seth C. Pearson

Seth C. Pearson


Seth C. Pearson



T: +1 404 572 6614

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Seth Pearson has centered his practice on advising privately held and publicly traded companies, with a strong emphasis on the life sciences industry, including biotechnology, medical devices, healthcare IT and health and wellness.

Seth’s representation of his clients spans the entire company life cycle, including pre-incorporation planning, formation and founder matters, seed, venture capital and growth equity financings, private equity issuance and investing, public offerings, as well as mergers and acquisitions, and other complex transactions.

In addition, Seth often represents venture capital firms in connection with their investments in emerging companies and underwriters in connection with public offerings.  Seth often handles complex cross-border transactions and has a robust Asia and Latin America practice and is well versed in contract law and the regulatory landscape not just in the U.S., but globally.


  • Georgia, 2023
  • Massachusetts, 2016


  • Duke University, J.D., 2016
  • Georgia State University, B.S.B.A., 2012

Related Practice Areas

  • M&A & Corporate Finance

  • Corporate

  • Start-Up & Venture Capital Practice

Related Insights

May 16, 2024

Navigating the FemTech regulatory landscape

Security, scale or functionality – pick two. This computer science principle coined by the late Professor Anderson is particularly relevant to the FemTech industry. Anderson’s Rule states that for a system to provide high functionality and security, its access may need to be limited (small scale); alternatively, offering high functionality on a larger scale, may require an acceptance of risk, e.g. of inadvertent or deliberate disclosure of information. In real life systems - including FemTech - a balance must be struck. It is no surprise, then, that the regulatory landscape for FemTech is complex and fragmented. Different jurisdictions approach the question of health/medical data in diverse ways and apply different laws and standards to the protection of personal data. All these rules are ultimately intended to mitigate the risks to personal data posed by large databases of sensitive personal information while facilitating the benefits. In part two of our series, we examine the UK, EU and US regulatory privacy landscapes and enforcement priorities and how they apply to the FemTech sector. For more, read our previous article "What is femtech and how can it meet the privacy needs of its users?".
Mar 08, 2024

What is FemTech and how can it meet the privacy needs of its users?

In part one of our series "FemTech: how this growing industry can build trust, protect privacy and redress healthcare inequity… one app at a time", we take an introductory look at the industry, and offer some commercially-minded approaches to address users’ privacy needs.

Related Insights

May 16, 2024
Navigating the FemTech regulatory landscape
Security, scale or functionality – pick two. This computer science principle coined by the late Professor Anderson is particularly relevant to the FemTech industry. Anderson’s Rule states that for a system to provide high functionality and security, its access may need to be limited (small scale); alternatively, offering high functionality on a larger scale, may require an acceptance of risk, e.g. of inadvertent or deliberate disclosure of information. In real life systems - including FemTech - a balance must be struck. It is no surprise, then, that the regulatory landscape for FemTech is complex and fragmented. Different jurisdictions approach the question of health/medical data in diverse ways and apply different laws and standards to the protection of personal data. All these rules are ultimately intended to mitigate the risks to personal data posed by large databases of sensitive personal information while facilitating the benefits. In part two of our series, we examine the UK, EU and US regulatory privacy landscapes and enforcement priorities and how they apply to the FemTech sector. For more, read our previous article "What is femtech and how can it meet the privacy needs of its users?".
Mar 08, 2024
What is FemTech and how can it meet the privacy needs of its users?
In part one of our series "FemTech: how this growing industry can build trust, protect privacy and redress healthcare inequity… one app at a time", we take an introductory look at the industry, and offer some commercially-minded approaches to address users’ privacy needs.