Samantha Hamilton-Davies

Samantha Hamilton-Davies
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Samantha Hamilton-Davies

Samantha Hamilton-Davies

Senior Associate

Samantha Hamilton-Davies
  1. People /

Samantha Hamilton-Davies

Samantha Hamilton-Davies

Senior Associate

Samantha Hamilton-Davies

Senior Associate


T: +44 (0) 20 3400 3909

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Samantha Hamilton-Davies is a Senior Associate in core real estate, having joined BCLP in 2016.

Sam has a vast amount of experience in landlord and tenant matters, acting for both Landlord and Tenant and dealing with all stages of the commercial leasing lifecycle from creation and maintenance of precedents, negotiation of conditional agreements to lease (with/without development works) to completion of lettings, renewals and re-gears and general asset and estates management. She is an experienced manager, both in terms of workstreams and project management, working closely with clients, their external advisors and the BCLP teams to drive efficiencies and ensure consistency, clear communication and processes and provide great service levels.

Sam has also advised on an extensive range of complex and high value commercial property transactions for sellers, purchasers and lenders relating to the acquisition, financing and disposal of development sites and investment properties, particularly prime retail and office assets and involving particular emphasis on detailed due diligence and reporting on occupational lettings.


  • England and Wales

Related Practice Areas

  • Real Estate

  • Commercial Real Estate


  • Advising in relation to a £185m acquisition and immediate subsequent funding of a major development site and adjoining shopping arcade leading into an underground station.
  • Advising long-standing client Tesco on landlord and tenant matters and leading the BCLP team dealing with all their new Express lease acquisitions.
  • Advising in relation to a £720m sale of a Grade A London office and retail tower, including a detailed due diligence project to prepare for the sale.
  • Advising in relation to a £120m acquisition of a prime London office and retail investment property.
  • Advising in relation to a £439m UK student housing joint venture.
  • Advising Royal Mail on landlord and tenant matters, acquisitions and disposals and specific projects relating to the Royal Mail/Post Office split and the real estate due diligence exercise carried out prior to the flotation in 2013, including the creation and maintenance of an innovative estate management dashboard and database.