Russell Van Praagh

Russell Van Praagh
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Russell Van Praagh

Russell Van Praagh


Russell Van Praagh
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Russell Van Praagh

Russell Van Praagh


Russell Van Praagh



T: +44 (0) 20 3400 4908

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Russell is a Partner in the Corporate Transactions practice group based in London. He has over 25 years of extensive experience working in private equity and related corporate transactions, where he typically acts for PE sponsors and family offices on the buy side and, on the sell side, founder owners and management teams selling their businesses either to PE or strategic buyers in the UK mid-market. 


  • England and Wales

Related Practice Areas

  • M&A & Corporate Finance

  • Corporate

  • Private Equity


  • Alcuin Capital Partners on various matters including the recent sale of the Groucho Club to ArtFarm;
  • Ambienta on various matters including its acquisition of Collingwood Lighting and subsequent bolt on acquisition of Nobile Italia;
  • Apiary Capital on its acquisition of Shaw Gibbs;
  • Blixt Capital on LawFront’s acquisition of Farleys;
  • Queens Park Equity on various matters including the acquisition of Future Deluxe and the subsequent bolt on acquisition of Tendril;
  • Five Elms Capital on its acquisition of Rebrandly;
  • The selling shareholders of the Anvil Group on its sale to NASDAQ listed group Everbridge Inc.;
  • Management selling shareholders of MThree on its sale to ECI and subsequent sale to NYSE listed group John Wiley & Sons; and
  • Management selling shareholders of HCC Canning in connection with Rutland’s acquisition of the business.

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