Rachel Ziegler

Rachel Ziegler
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Rachel Ziegler

Rachel Ziegler


Rachel Ziegler
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Rachel Ziegler

Rachel Ziegler


Rachel Ziegler



T: +44 (0) 20 3400 3262

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Rachel is a partner in the Business and Commercial Disputes team in BCLP’s London office, she also co-heads our Civil Fraud Litigation practice. Rachel’s exceptional and diverse practice predominantly focuses on high value cross-border and multi-jurisdictional complex disputes, particularly involving allegations of fraud, dishonesty and breach of trust and multi-party “follow on” litigation cases.

Rachel has extensive experience in dealing with a wide range of interim applications, including injunctions and freezing orders, applications for summary judgment, and specific and third-party disclosure as well as contempt of court proceedings. Rachel leads or co-leads many of the team’s most significant cases, including the Tata Consultancy Services litigation which concerned significant contractual interpretation issues. This case was listed in The Lawyer as one of its top cases of 2023 and tipped to be one of the biggest IT trials of recent years.

Rachel Ziegler is a great lawyer. She has a strong knowledge of the law, and a strong sense for what will and will not work in Court. She is very experienced and knowledgeable and good at understanding client’s needs and perspectives.

Legal 500


  • England and Wales


  • Acting for Tata Consultancy Services, a global leader in IT and consultancy services, on a dispute regarding a high value, long term outsourcing agreement with the Disclosure and Barring Service. The case was featured in The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases of 2023, and the 7 week trial tipped to be one of the biggest IT trials of recent years.  A judgment is expected in the first half of this year.
  • Acted for one side of the Ackerman family in the breakup of their substantial property empire. The dispute centred on allegations of unauthorised business dealings by the other side of the family and the actions of an expert appointed to oversee the separation of the Group and involved a 2 week expedited High Court trial. Ackerman v Ackerman and others [2011] EWHC 3428 and Ackerman v Thornhill [2017] EWHC 99 (Ch). Also acted in successful claims against certain professional advisers who had dishonestly assisted in the asset-stripping of the family business.
  • Achieving a successful settlement just before trial for the claimant National Grid in one of the leading follow-on damages actions in the High Court. This was a claim for £275 million damages against 22 defendants across 6 countries. The case was described by the Financial Times as “the biggest cartel damages action to surface in the English courts” and the case was named “Cartel Litigation of the Year” by the Global Competition Review in 2015. In addition it was listed by The Lawyer as one of the ‘Top 20 cases of 2014’ and the team won “Competition and Regulatory Team of the Year” at the Legal Week awards in June 2014 for their work on the case.

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Feb 21, 2022

High Court considers repudiatory breach and wrongful termination in an aircraft lease contract dispute - OCA v Novans

The High Court recently considered the termination of an aircraft lease to purchase contract between OCA and Novans (an aircraft broking and consultancy company). In finding for the Claimant, the judgment considers the thorny contractual issues of repudiatory breach, contractual suspension, unjust enrichment and interpretation, all against the backdrop of a contract drafted without the benefit of legal advice.  The Defendant terminated the contract for non payment of an invoice on the grounds that the Claimant’s non payment had amounted to a repudiatory breach. OCA subsequently brought its claim saying that this purported termination was in and of itself a breach. It also brought an alternative claim in unjust enrichment seeking restitution in relation to the monies it had paid over under the contract prior to the termination. The Defendant counterclaimed that the Claimant’s failure to pay the disputed invoice had amounted to a repudiation of the agreement that the Defendant had duly accepted. Written by Rachel Ziegler, partner and Lex Townsley, trainee solicitor, and first published by LexisPSL on 3 February 2022 Olympic Council of Asia v Novans Jets LLP [2022] EWHC 88 (Comm)

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The Supreme Court of Gibraltar this week found in favour of our clients and dismissed an application by the defendants to strike out our clients’ claim against them on all three grounds relied upon by the defendants.  Our clients’ claims - which, after this week’s success, will now continue against Hassans law firm and two of Hassans’ partners - are premised on allegations of dishonest assistance.  At trial, the court will ultimately decide whether Hassans and the named partners dishonestly (and with full knowledge of the circumstances) assisted one of our clients’ former directors, Joseph Ackerman, unilaterally and fraudulently - without the knowledge and consent of his co-director, Naomi Ackerman – to effect loans on uncommercial terms from their subsidiaries to other entities in which Mr Ackerman had a personal interest in breach of his fiduciary duties to our clients.     In reaching its decision to dismiss the defendants’ strike out application, the Supreme Court of Gibraltar grappled with the thorny and very much current issue of when a claim involving allegations of fraud is time-barred.  The judgment is of relevance to English practitioners as the relevant provisions of the Gibraltar legislation mirror section 32(1)(a) of the English Limitation Act 1980:  the provision which postpones the limitation period in cases of fraud.
Aug 19, 2022
When appealing a contempt order will be an abuse of process
Our insight into a recent judgment of the Court of Appeal:  the judgment provides valuable analysis from the Court of Appeal as to the legal principles and the policy considerations around what constitutes an abuse of process as well as a warning as to the limits to a party’s entitlement to appeal as of right in contempt matters.
Feb 21, 2022
High Court considers repudiatory breach and wrongful termination in an aircraft lease contract dispute - OCA v Novans
The High Court recently considered the termination of an aircraft lease to purchase contract between OCA and Novans (an aircraft broking and consultancy company). In finding for the Claimant, the judgment considers the thorny contractual issues of repudiatory breach, contractual suspension, unjust enrichment and interpretation, all against the backdrop of a contract drafted without the benefit of legal advice.  The Defendant terminated the contract for non payment of an invoice on the grounds that the Claimant’s non payment had amounted to a repudiatory breach. OCA subsequently brought its claim saying that this purported termination was in and of itself a breach. It also brought an alternative claim in unjust enrichment seeking restitution in relation to the monies it had paid over under the contract prior to the termination. The Defendant counterclaimed that the Claimant’s failure to pay the disputed invoice had amounted to a repudiation of the agreement that the Defendant had duly accepted. Written by Rachel Ziegler, partner and Lex Townsley, trainee solicitor, and first published by LexisPSL on 3 February 2022 Olympic Council of Asia v Novans Jets LLP [2022] EWHC 88 (Comm)
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