Peter Bates

Peter Bates
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Peter Bates

Peter Bates

Senior Associate

Peter Bates
  1. People /

Peter Bates

Peter Bates

Senior Associate

Peter Bates

Senior Associate


T: +44 (0) 20 3400 3752

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Peter is a Senior Associate with over 25 years post qualification experience. He is a Supervisory Lawyer who oversees the work of junior fee earners within the Core Asset Management team in the BCLP Manchester office, providing support, training and supervision to associates, paralegals and apprentices. The team provides asset management support through the whole life cycle of property portfolios, from acquisition, through management, to ultimate disposal. Peter is experienced in all of these areas. At BCLP Peter’s team advises Hermes, BlackRock and Landsec, among many others. 


  • England and Wales

Related Practice Areas

  • Asset Management

  • Real Estate

  • Commercial Real Estate