Karalyn Berman

Karalyn Berman
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Karalyn Berman

Karalyn Berman

BCLP Fellow

Karalyn Berman
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Karalyn Berman

Karalyn Berman

BCLP Fellow

Karalyn Berman

BCLP Fellow


T: +1 312 602 5017

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Karalyn is a BCLP fellow and splits her time between the firm and pro bono work for Legal Aid Chicago. At BCLP, Karalyn is a member of the Business and Commercial Disputes Practice Group. She assists with general litigation matters and environmental matters. At Legal Aid Chicago, she works with the Recovery Legal Care team, a medical legal partnership with University of Chicago Medicine serving patients in the trauma center who have experienced intentional violence. She helps her clients obtain public benefits to aid in economic stability as they recover.

During law school, Karalyn served as executive editor of the Environmental Law and Policy Annual Review, a joint publication between Vanderbilt University Law School and the Environmental Law Institute. Prior to joining the firm, Karalyn held summer and school-year internships at Earthjustice, Southern Environmental Law Center, Harpeth Conservancy, and Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania. She received her B.A. in earth & planetary sciences and in environmental science from Northwestern University.


  • Illinois, 2023


  • Vanderbilt University, J.D., 2023
  • Northwestern University, B.A., 2018