Joseph Ninan

Joseph Ninan
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Joseph Ninan

Joseph Ninan

Senior Associate

Joseph Ninan
  1. People /

Joseph Ninan

Joseph Ninan

Senior Associate

Joseph Ninan

Senior Associate


T: +44 (0) 20 3400 4971

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Joseph is experienced in investigations, litigation and regulatory matters for financial institutions and corporates. He represents both firms and individuals on a wide range of matters and spent six months on secondment in the Internal Investigations team of a global investment bank.

Joseph’s experience includes:

  1. Acting on the investigation and accompanying litigation and asset recovery following a $35m fraud. This included obtaining a number of freezing and proprietary injunctions and disclosure orders.
  2. Internal investigations for various financial institutions following whistleblower allegations.
  3. Internal, global regulatory and antitrust investigations in various jurisdictions regarding a global investment bank’s FX sales and trading business.
  4. Acting for individuals and firms in FCA and PRA investigations, including representing an individual before the Upper Tribunal.
  5. Acting for a bank in a dispute concerning an authorised push payment fraud.
  6. Acting for individuals being criminally prosecuted by Companies House.


  • England and Wales

Related Practice Areas

  • Special Investigations

  • Anti-Money Laundering Compliance

  • Banking & Finance Disputes

  • Anti-Bribery & Corruption

  • Financial Services

  • Business & Commercial Disputes

  • Financial Regulation Compliance & Investigations

  • Finance

  • Investigations

  • Litigation & Dispute Resolution

  • Regulation, Compliance & Advisory

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Supreme Court narrows the scope of the Quincecare duty in Philipp v Barclays Bank

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Supreme Court narrows the scope of the Quincecare duty in Philipp v Barclays Bank
We are defending financial institutions from multiple claims for breach of the so called Quincecare duty and have seen claimant law firms increasingly seek to expand the scope of the duty to try to make financial institutions liable for any frauds taking place through their accounts. Where a bank is unknowingly or innocently “mixed up” in a fraud as a result of duly complying with the customer’s instructions (who are not themselves complicit in or aware of the fraud), the question is in what circumstances should the bank be held liable for any loss suffered on the basis of its purported greater ability to detect fraud. The answer to this question, eagerly awaited by many, has finally come from the Supreme Court in its judgment in Philipp v Barclays Bank UK PLC [2023] UKSC 25.
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8 August 2022
FCA fines chair of a listed company for unlawfully disclosing inside information
The chair of a premium-listed company has been fined £80,000 for unlawfully disclosing inside information to major shareholders before the information was announced to the market. This case acts as a reminder for companies to continuously consider what information, if any, can be disclosed and to whom, as well as the scope for individual senior officer accountability. Commenting, Mark Steward, Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight at the FCA said, “The law requires inside information to be disclosed properly and not to major shareholders or others in advance of announcements, as in this case. We will continue to rigorously enforce against breaches when we see them to ensure this important principle remains uppermost in the minds of issuers and their senior officers.”
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Jul 13, 2022
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May 30, 2022
Banking Bites – May 30 2022
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