Jennifer A. Goltermann

Jennifer A. Goltermann
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Jennifer A. Goltermann

Jennifer A. Goltermann


Jennifer A. Goltermann
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Jennifer A. Goltermann

Jennifer A. Goltermann


Jennifer A. Goltermann


St. Louis

T: +1 314 259 2805

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Jenny is a member of the firm’s Employment and Labor Team. She counsels clients on day-to-day human resource and employment law issues. Jenny litigates claims on behalf of employers brought before administrative agencies, as well as in state and federal court. 

Jenny assists clients with compliance of all major state and federal labor and employment laws, including wage and hour issues, discrimination and harassment, post-employment restrictions on competitive activities, and human resource policies and best practices. Jenny drafts employee handbooks, non-competition, and separation agreements. 

Jenny’s employment litigation experience includes representing employers in state and federal court and before administrative agencies, defending claims involving discrimination, retaliation, the Missouri Human Rights Act, Title VII, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and the Fair Labor Standards Act, as well as in the enforcement of noncompetition agreements. Jenny has also defended class claims under the Fair Labor Standards Act and Missouri wage and hour laws.


  • Missouri, 2008


  • Miami University of Ohio-Oxford, B.A., magna cum laude, 2008
  • Saint Louis University, J.D., 2008

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