Jacob B. Simon

Jacob Simon
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Jacob B. Simon

Jacob B. Simon


Jacob Simon
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Jacob B. Simon

Jacob B. Simon


Jacob B. Simon


St. Louis

T: +1 314 259 2518

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Jacob is an experienced litigator in high-stakes business disputes. He specializes in M&A, breach of contract, and fraud disputes, as well as ERISA class actions brought against company shareholders, plan sponsors, and plan fiduciaries. Jacob also often handles consumer product liability cases against a wide array of manufacturers.

Jacob is a creative and nuanced thinker who has drafted successful motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment, and oppositions to class certification.  He is also an experienced trial attorney. For instance, in 2021 Jacob first-chaired and won a complete defense verdict in a state court trial involving product liability claims against a food manufacturer client. Jacob also participates on the firm’s Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) and National Coordinating Counsel teams, and is routinely responsible for drafting high-stakes briefs for companies navigating discovery and other pretrial procedures in MDLs.  

In addition to his business disputes work, Jacob routinely handles pro bono court-appointed matters, including representing incarcerated persons bringing constitutional claims against prison officials.

Prior to joining BCLP in 2019, Jacob was a law clerk to Judge Sarah S. Vance in the Eastern District of Louisiana and an associate at an international law firm in New York City.

Civic Involvement & Honors

  • Missouri Up & Coming Lawyers, 2023


  • Missouri, 2019
  • New York, 2016
  • U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Missouri


  • Columbia University, J.D., Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar, 2015
  • New York University, B.A., cum laude, 2010


  • First chaired a jury trial and won a complete defense verdict for Fortune 100 company on product liability claims.
  • Represented Fortune 500 company against claims of breach of contract and fraud; successfully ended litigation when plaintiffs agreed to voluntarily dismiss claims ahead of summary judgment hearing to avoid risk of paying the defendant’s legal fees.
  • Defeated class certification in two separate cases involving participants of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) asserting claims pursuant to ERISA.
  • Primary drafting responsibility for writ petition to the Arkansas Supreme Court in products liability case seeking to overturn trial court order permitting the deposition of international company’s CEO.
  • Primary drafting responsibility for successful motion to dismiss on behalf of household appliance manufacturer, defeating products liability and breach of warranty claims prior to discovery.
  • Member of BCLP's briefing team for national mass tort and multidistrict litigation involving thousands of cases of allegations of personal injuries as a result of exposure to herbicide.

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