Amelda Henning

Amelda Henning
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Amelda Henning

Amelda Henning


Amelda Henning
  1. People /

Amelda Henning

Amelda Henning


Amelda Henning



T: +44 (0) 20 3400 3004

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Amelda trained in South Africa and gained experience at two English law firms before joining our Technology & Commercial team in 2022 as a mid-level Associate. She is experienced in advising on a wide range of cross-border commercial arrangements, including business process and IT outsourcing agreements, data licensing agreements and bespoke commercial arrangements.

Amelda works with clients across multiple sectors, including telecommunications, retail, financial services, transportation, and real estate.

Amelda has experience advising a variety of clients, from fast growth start-ups to FTSE 100 organisations, global asset managers and BT.


  • South Africa

Related Practice Areas

  • Corporate

  • Digital Transformation & Emerging Technology

  • Outsourcing

  • Sports & Entertainment

  • Sports & Entertainment Contract, Endorsement & Celebrity Representation Practice

  • Anti-Doping Practice

  • Sports & Event Venue Real Estate Infrastructure and Operation

  • Naming Rights & Sponsorship Practice

  • Sports & Entertainment M&A Practice

  • Sports & Entertainment Specialty Counseling Practice

  • Entertainment Industry Practice

  • Sports & Event Financing

  • Olympic & National Governing Body Practice

  • Professional Sports Team Practice

  • Commercial Contracts

  • Technology Transactions

  • Software, Cloud Subscription & Systems Integration

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