Alexandra Hildyard

Alexandra Hildyard
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Alexandra Hildyard

Alexandra Hildyard

Senior Associate

Alexandra Hildyard
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Alexandra Hildyard

Alexandra Hildyard

Senior Associate

Alexandra Hildyard

Senior Associate


T: +44 (0) 20 3400 3767

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Alexandra is a senior associate who deals with a wide range of commercial and competition law disputes, with a particular emphasis on cartel damages actions. Alexandra has experience of litigating disputes in various courts in the UK, including the Business & Property Courts, the Competition Appeal Tribunal and the Court of Appeal.  She has advised clients in a range of sectors and has significant experience of advising regulated clients.  

Alexandra’s recent work includes acting for Royal Mail and BT in claims against DAF Trucks Limited (in respect of an infringement of Article 101 identified by the European Commission) which were heard before the Competition Appeal Tribunal in a trial in 2022.  Prior to that Alexandra was part of a team that acted for Scottish Power and National Grid in their claims against global power cable suppliers in relation to a European Commission infringement decision.

Clients praise Alexandra’s ‘ability to cut through the detail and see the big picture’  (Legal 500 UK 2023) and is described as ‘a total stand-out. She is a master of the complex detail of a case.’ (Legal 500 UK 2023).


  • England and Wales

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