
Shutdown, Shelter in Place, and Back to Work Orders in the U.S.: Current Status

Shutdown, Shelter in Place, and Back to Work Orders in the U.S.: Current Status

May 01, 2020
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The United States has seen unprecedented restrictions on the way we do business and conduct our daily lives, designed to control the risks posed by COVID-19.  These changes have caused uncertainty and disruption in the business community, and up and down supply chains.  States are now issuing orders and guidance on the path back to work, and towards a new normal.  These Back to Work orders are generally designed to reopen state economies gradually, and with specific safety precautions in place, all of which create important and dynamic challenges for the entire business community.  We are tracking the orders in real time, and can provide guidance for specific facilities, or across a businesses’ full facility portfolio.

Specifically, we are helping our clients across the country, and internationally, answer the key questions raised by the new Back to Work orders:

  • Can I reopen or operate some or all of my facilities, even if it is at a reduced capacity?
  • What do I need to do to ensure that I am complying with social distancing, protective equipment, cleaning, and other safety requirements and guidelines?
  • What do I need to do to ensure that I get the goods and services that I need to continue operating?
  • How do I manage the employment and HR implications of a specific order?
  • Are there any programs offering financial relief?
  • Do the Back to Work orders apply to me if I have been operating as an Essential Business or Critical Infrastructure Business?

The following two maps are intended as a quick reference for impacted businesses.  The first shows the states with some form of shelter in place or shutdown order still in effect, and the second shows states that have either begun implementing, or at least announced a plan to implement Back to Work orders.  These orders are rapidly developing, so these maps are constantly changing, and are only current as of the date listed on the map itself.

We are actively tracking these orders on a real time basis for clients, so please contact the COVID-19 Shutdown Team if you have specific jurisdictional questions or require a portfolio audit.


This material is not comprehensive, is for informational purposes only, and is not legal advice. Your use or receipt of this material does not create an attorney-client relationship between us. If you require legal advice, you should consult an attorney regarding your particular circumstances. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. This material may be “Attorney Advertising” under the ethics and professional rules of certain jurisdictions. For advertising purposes, St. Louis, Missouri, is designated BCLP’s principal office and Kathrine Dixon ( as the responsible attorney.