
Two BCLP Paris lawyers write an article on competition law inspections in Option Droit & Affaires

Two BCLP Paris lawyers write an article on competition law inspections in Option Droit & Affaires

Sep 05, 2022
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In an article published in Option Droit & Affaires, Julie Catala Marty, partner in the competition practice, and Paul Blin, lawyer, both from BCLP's Paris office, take an overview of inspections in competition law. They review the main contributions of case law in terms of search and seizure operations, as well as the Ordinance of 26 May 2021 transposing the ECN+ Directive, which strengthens the powers of investigators. 

In particular, they point out that "two notable evolutions concern the conduct of search and seizure operations. First, with the development of remote working, the competition authorities no longer hesitate to search the homes of employees or company directors. (...). Secondly, competition authorities’ officers have new tools to deal with the exponential volume of digital data within companies."

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