
Roger Cohen quoted in ‘Hospitality & Catering News’ on Autumn Budget

Roger Cohen quoted in ‘Hospitality & Catering News’ on Autumn Budget

Nov 18, 2022
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BCLP Senior Counsel Roger Cohen was quoted Nov. 17 by ‘Hospitality & Catering News’ on the impact of the Autumn Budget for businesses in hospitality and catering. Commenting on business rates measures, Roger summarized what he viewed as good, indifferent and bad about the Chancellor’s announcements.

“What’s good about today’s announcements is an extension and increase of the retail, hospitality and leisure relief scheme from 50% to 75% for 2023-24 up to a maximum of £110,000 per business. What’s indifferent is that the multipliers – the percentages by which you multiply the rateable value to calculate what is payable (before any reliefs) – are frozen; but are still a huge 49.9 p in the £ for small properties and a stonking 51.2p for standard units,” he said.

“What’s bad is that the ratepayers who would be entitled to reliefs greater than £110,000 will have to rely on that multiplier freeze and a new transitional relief scheme which means some properties will still receive higher bills from 1 April 2023 than now.”

Read the full story here.

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