
Pierre Popesco, Chloé Strasser and Suzy Lasry on the lease renegotiation in Immoweek

Pierre Popesco, Chloé Strasser and Suzy Lasry on the lease renegotiation in Immoweek

Apr 21, 2021
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In an article for Immoweek, partner Pierre Popesco, counsel Chloé Strasser and counsel Suzy Lasry of the real estate team at Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner (BCLP) in Paris analyse the first rulings on lease renegotiations. The health crisis has had a major impact on the activity of numerous companies. Many have used the legal tools to renegotiate their leases to avoid their obligations. The first decisions issued provide an initial overview of the levers used by tenants, compare the positions of each of the parties to the lease and review the position of the courts. More to come.

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