Partners Present at ABA Forum on Communications Law – 2021
Feb 09, 2021Atlanta Managing Partner Eric Schroeder and Washington Partner Heather Goldman spoke at the 26th Annual ABA Forum on Communications Law, held virtually Jan. 27-Feb. 2.
Schroeder moderated the panel “Retrospective on New York Times v. Tasini, 20 Years Later.” Considered a key copyright decision from the U.S. Supreme Court, in Tasini the court ruled that freelance journalists retained copyrights for their individual articles, and publishers could not license the text to computer databases without infringing the author’s rights. In broader scope, the ruling tilted the playing field toward one more favorable to writers and other content creators, and toward increased copyright liability for publishers, broadcasters and distribution platforms. This session covered the case, explored the decision’s legacy and discussed the evolving world of rights, clearances and copyright infringement in a digital world.
Goldman participated in the ethics panel “Hot Issues in Ethics.” This session covered a wide range of ethics issues, especially those that have arisen during the pandemic as a result of remote working and other changes in the manner in which lawyers work. Topics included attorney-client confidentiality while working from home, conflicts of interest that might arise due to a pandemic, and unauthorized practice of law questions raised when lawyers work remotely from a jurisdiction in which the lawyer is not licensed and others.
At BCLP, Schroeder advises clients ranging from startups to Fortune 100 corporations on false advertising, trademark, copyright, defamation, right of publicity, privacy, software licensing and commercial litigation matters which arise when companies speak, publish, advertise and otherwise seek to extend or protect their brand, reputation and sales in the marketplace. This includes advice on unfair competition and licensing disputes, speech and communication-related issues, as well as regulatory issues and cases brought under the TCPA and other communication-focused statutes.
Goldman regularly assists clients with resolving complex commercial disputes and responding to government investigations and inquiries. A former producer for CNN, she has represented clients in connection with matters involving the First Amendment, website accessibility, intellectual property disputes and false advertising. This includes representing clients seeking access to government documents under the federal Freedom of Information Act, state open records laws, the First Amendment, and other applicable laws, litigating cases involving access to court records, and representing clients faced with website accessibility demands and lawsuits. Goldman also has represented clients in connection with litigation involving contract claims, business torts and employment matters.
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