
Partner serves third year as Delegate in the American Bar Association's House of Delegates

Partner serves third year as Delegate in the American Bar Association's House of Delegates

Feb 13, 2023
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As a Delegate on behalf of the State Bar of Arizona, BCLP Partner George Chen is serving for a third year in the American Bar Association's (ABA's) House of Delegates, which sets policy for the ABA.

At the ABA Midyear meeting hosted Feb. 1-5 in New Orleans, the House of Delegates voted on and adopted several resolutions, including Resolution 515 to urge the judiciary to implement policies supporting the participation of junior lawyers in courtroom proceedings by allowing multiple lawyers to present a party's oral argument, such as when one of the lawyers is a junior lawyer who contributed to the drafting of the pleadings. The House of Delegates also approved Resolution 604, which urges organizations that design, develop, deploy and use artificial intelligence systems and capabilities to follow guidelines, and urges the federal and state governments and courts to follow such guidelines in legislation, legal decisions and standards pertaining to artificial intelligence.

George serves on BCLP’s firmwide international Board and is the leader of the Intellectual Property Practice for the Phoenix office.

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