
Empowering Change: Partner Puanani Norwood Takes the Helm at Los Angeles Office

Empowering Change: Partner Puanani Norwood Takes the Helm at Los Angeles Office

Jun 03, 2024
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BCLP’s Puanani Norwood, newly appointed office managing partner of the Firm’s Los Angeles office, shares insights with Law360 on her journey to leading the west-coast office, how she plans to accomplish her goals as leader and her path to becoming an attorney.

A mere five months after making partner at the firm, Puanani will now lead 27 attorneys and 17 staff members as one of the few native Hawaiians, man or woman, to ever become an office managing partner.

“I believe we've reached a critical point in history where people understand the power of representation — in seeing is believing,” Puanani said. “My hope is to be able to use this platform to encourage the next generation to continue to dream big and pursue leadership roles in their firms, while encouraging other firms to also be bold in acknowledging talent and experience where due, even if doing so doesn't look the same as has always been done.”

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