
Partner Named ‘Law360’ Cybersecurity & Privacy Rising Star

Partner Named ‘Law360’ Cybersecurity & Privacy Rising Star

May 31, 2022
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BCLP Partner Lauren Caisman has been named a Law360 2022 Cybersecurity & Privacy Rising Star.

Lauren is an accomplished litigator with broad and substantive experience in state and federal courts, arbitrations, and administrative agency proceedings, including in case development and strategy, pleadings and motion practice, written and oral discovery, court hearings, and appeals.

Of particular note, Lauren has helped clients navigate significant class action litigation under the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) in addition to implementing biometric privacy-compliant policies and procedures for clients across the country and across all industries.

In several matters that have helped shape law around the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, she defended and obtained excellent results for clients against a class action alleging that the defendant required employees and contractors to provide fingerprints for clocking in and out of work without obtaining a written release or providing required notice as to how their data is stored or destroyed, in violation of the act.

Existing laws have led to a boon of class action litigation for claimed violations of biometric privacy rights. With this in mind, Lauren leads a BCLP team that launched a US Biometric Laws & Legislation Tracker last year. The tracker provides a map highlighting the current status of biometric privacy-related laws and pending legislation. It also notes recent activity on the bills’ paths through the legislative process, and whether pieces of pending legislation have been inactive for some time.

Lauren has also advised clients in the media industry to resolve commercial and contractual disputes, as well as solve First Amendment and other content-related problems. She has represented content providers and distributors in defamation and privacy-related matters and has pursued access to government documents under the First Amendment, Freedom of Information Act, and other applicable laws.

Lauren and all of this year’s Law360 Rising Stars are currently featured online.

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  • Data Privacy & Security

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