
Partner authors article for Emerging Themes on anticipated 2022 CFPB trends

Partner authors article for Emerging Themes on anticipated 2022 CFPB trends

April 28, 2022
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Partner Matt Petersen authored an article for BCLP’s Emerging Themes publication detailing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB ) and how it was likely to focus its regulatory and compliance efforts in 2022.

In the article, Matt discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected the financial sector, causing the CFPB to begin 2021 with a “flexible” policy toward compliance. As the sector adapted, the CFPB swung its agenda back to normal, and signaled that certain areas are subject to more aggressive compliance, including enforcement actions and activities. CFPB trends that were seen throughout 2021 and into 2022 include pandemic compliance, “Big Tech” and payment systems, fair and equal access to credit, and debt collectors and revised Regulation F.

Read Matt’s full article.

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