
Partner Amy de Lama and Associate Andrea Rastelli share insights on Washington My Health My Data Act FAQs: Data Subject Rights

Partner Amy de Lama and Associate Andrea Rastelli share insights on Washington My Health My Data Act FAQs: Data Subject Rights

May 30, 2024
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BCLP Partner and Chair of Global Data Privacy and Security Practice, Amy de La Lama, and Associate Andrea Rastelli co-authored an article for, examining the complexities of data subject rights under Washington’s My Health My Data Act (MHMDA).

On April 27, 2023, the Washington State governor signed into law the MHMDA, an act created to protect a consumer's sensitive health data from being collected and shared without consumer consent. The MHMDA came into effect on March 31 and allows for a private right of action for violations.  The consumer rights established under the MHMDA present some of the most complex obligations of the new law.  The co-authors break down these rights and provide practical tips for addressing them.

With two decades of experience in global privacy, data protection and cyber security with a focus on healthcare privacy, Amy guides healthcare clients through the development and implementation of broad-based privacy compliance programs in addition to advising on HIPAA, GDPR and similar global privacy laws. Andrea, a Board Member of the IAPP Privacy Bar Section of the Advisory Board, regularly advises clients on HIPAA compliance matters, US state privacy laws, data breaches and GDPR compliance.

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