M&A in the COVID-19 world and beyond – views from France, Germany and the United Kingdom
14 July 2020After a decade of relatively stable deal activity across Europe and globally, companies now find themselves operating in a new and evolving M&A environment. Transactional risk and disruption are the current norm, but against that backdrop of uncertainty, there are also opportunities. Distressed M&A has come back to the fore and we are starting to see interesting developments in deal strategy and negotiation tactics. We believe some of these developments are here to stay.
It is clear that just as governments seek to grapple with COVID-19 and the economic fallout, so too must dealmakers. M&A transactions will need to adapt to the current deal climate and the measures implemented in response to the pandemic; dealmakers will need to account for the impact on the general transaction framework and timeline, as well as the business being acquired or sold.
We have highlighted the following deal points as requiring particular thought and attention during this crisis. Some of these are likely to continue to have an impact on and influence deals beyond COVID-19.
Read our full article here .
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