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21 Results

Sara E. O'Keefe
May 09, 2024

Reduce potential exposure for employment-related lawsuits

The purpose of this alert is to apprise our clients of a fast, simple, and inexpensive way to substantially reduce their exposure to certain types of employment-related claims through the inclusion of…
Mar 16, 2023

BCLP advised Playtech Plc in connection with its investment in Hard Rock Digital

BCLP has advised client Playtech plc (Playtech), in connection with its $85 million investment (c. €80 million) in Hard Rock Digital (“HRD”).
Sep 08, 2020

Back to Work: California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy

On August 28, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled a new plan for the reopening of California’s economy following the closures ordered in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which replaced the county…
May 13, 2020

Shutdown and Shelter in Place Orders in the U.S.: Current Status

The United States has seen a wave of unprecedented restrictions on the way we do business and conduct our daily lives, designed to control the risks posed by COVID-19.  These changes have caused…
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