BCLP releases report on Covid-19 related rent collection across Europe
Jun 01, 2021Governments across Europe have adopted measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 pandemic. The measures impacted the relationship between landlords and tenants. As this situation is unprecedented, the legal basis provided by lease agreements and the applicable law is uncertain. It is therefore up to courts to rule on the merits of tenants’ claims invoking the impossibility of paying their rents because of forced closures during lockdown periods. Various arguments raised by tenants in different European countries are presented in this report as well as the resulting case law.
This report has been compiled by BCLP’s offices in France, Germany and the UK in close collaboration with the firm’s regional best-friends network across Europe. Special thanks to Stibbe (Belgium and Netherlands), Kromann Reumert (Denmark), Krogerus (Finland), Nctm (Italy), Uria Menendez (Spain) and Lindahl (Sweden).
For a copy of the report, please send a mail to
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