
BCLP named a Mansfield Rule 2023–24 Certified Plus law firm

BCLP named a Mansfield Rule 2023–24 Certified Plus law firm

Oct 02, 2024
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BCLP has again been named a Mansfield Rule 2023–24 Certified law firm. Named after Arabella Mansfield, the first woman admitted to the practice of law in the United States, the Mansfield Rule was established in 2017 with the goal of boosting the representation of diverse lawyers in law firm leadership, while also recognizing firms for their trailblazing dedication to fostering inclusive and equitable workplaces .Now involving over 300 participating firms across the US, UK and Canada, Mansfield is considered one of the industry’s top I&D benchmarks. 

Diversity Lab, which oversees Mansfield, annually audits participating firms to measure whether they have effectively considered, complied and achieved the certification requirements. We are proud to say that BCLP has achieved the certification every year since our involvement as a founding signatory in the US seven years ago, and now similarly, having participated in the UK for the second year. 

This year, BCLP achieved Plus designation in the US and UK.  The Plus designation indicates firms that have achieved 30% diverse lawyer representation across various categories, as well as having taken steps to be more transparent across leadership promotion criteria and processes. The transparency questions were introduced to the submission last year, and the Firm has taken this opportunity to look at how we continuously move the needle firmwide. c

​“Inclusiveness and a sense of belonging is a core value for our Firm,” said Global Director of Inclusion & Diversity, Lloyd Stephenson. “The framework provided by the Mansfield Rule has proved a useful tool to track how we create an environment where all can flourish and be successful in serving our clients. Ensuring that all talent can thrive and advance in our Firm is fundamental to the ongoing success of our business. Our continuing commitment to Mansfield Rule certification will play a key role in supporting this objective.”

Please contact the Inclusion & Diversity Team with any questions about the Mansfield Rule or BCLP’s inclusion and diversity work. Visit the Diversity Lab website to learn more about the Mansfield Rule. 

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