
BCLP Chief Information Officer featured in multiple outlets

BCLP Chief Information Officer featured in multiple outlets

Jul 28, 2022
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BCLP Chief Information Officer Dan Surowiec has been featured in Legal IT Insider, Ex Bulletin,, Law360, and Global Legal Post on his arrival to the firm in the Chicago office. “When it comes to innovation, it’s really critical for a law firm to demonstrate its lawyers are going out in the marketplace with these tools in hand,” Dan said. “We want to walk away from our folks being able to point a finger and say, ‘They do innovation over there.’” Dan noted he is eager to make strides in areas such as digital transformation, enterprise data strategies and deployment of artificial intelligence on behalf of client and internal demands.

Dan is an expert in the design and delivery of global high-performance and cost-effective technology systems, who brings deep technical background across all aspects of IT. Alongside his experience as CIO, Dan is one of the industry’s top forward-looking executives, working on complex issues across both the operational needs and emerging disruptions in the legal industry. These include digital transformation, enterprise data strategies, and deploying artificial intelligence for both internal uses and client services.

At BCLP, Dan will oversee the technology teams and all technology decisions as CIO, working closely with firm leadership to define and implement the next phases of BCLP’s technological investments and growth.

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