
BCLP Associates Featured in on First Oral Argument Experience

BCLP Associates Featured in on First Oral Argument Experience

Mar 07, 2025
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BCLP Associates Grace Martinez and Elliott Averett were quoted in a recent article discussing their experiences with first oral arguments. The piece shares key takeaways from litigation associates as they reach this pivotal career milestone.

Grace noted that opportunities to argue in court often arise naturally, as associates gain experience within their cases:

“It kind of happens organically. You become part of a case and the more senior you get, I think those opportunities come easier. But partners are very eager to get us associates in the courtroom, and gaining that experience even if it’s just an initial hearing or a case management conference [it] kind of helps you break the ice and get that experience speaking in front of a judge.”

She also emphasized the importance of finding an advocacy style that feels authentic:

“There are some [attorneys] who are more professional and formal, and that’s who they are as a person. That’s why they argue that way. And then there’s others who are kind of more practical and just speak in real, plain language. We all want to be professional, but that’s kind of more my style, if you will. Just being able to see others do it that way kind of gives you permission to do it that way as well, and to know that it’s okay and that you can be yourself.”

Elliott shared advice on preparing for oral argument by familiarizing oneself with the physical courtroom space:

“Go to the physical space. Go into the room. Look around if it’s open. Stand there at the podium if the courtroom’s empty and just kind of get comfortable in the space or, if you don’t have access to the space, something that sort of looks and feels like that space.”

He also noted that while associates are often well-versed in their case materials, managing nerves is a key factor in delivering a strong argument:

“I think most people know their case very well. They know their briefing and their record. If they don’t, they really should be committed to learning that. But most people, I think, know it really well, and the nervousness is their biggest impediment. So whatever they need to do to feel comfortable is going to be what sort of improves their performance in that respect. That’s easy to say and hard to do, but that’s the biggest thing.”

 Read the full article here.

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