
Balancing Roles: BCLP Partner Lindsay Wuller Aggarwal Champions New Parental Leave Coaching Program

Balancing Roles: BCLP Partner Lindsay Wuller Aggarwal Champions New Parental Leave Coaching Program

Jun 28, 2024
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BCLP Partner Lindsay Wuller Aggarwal was featured in Law360 Pulse regarding the launch of her new parental leave coaching program— created to support lawyers transitioning back to work after parental leave, addressing challenges in balancing professional and personal responsibilities.

The program, which includes one-on-one coaching and peer support groups, compliments BCLP’s newly extended 20-week parental leave policy in the U.S.— irrespective of gender or caregiver status. In addition to the firm’s policy, generous by standards of BigLaw and outside the industry, Lindsay’s program aims to enhance retention and lawyer satisfaction.

"I think we as a firm have an obligation to figure out the best way to empower our people to support them through the time period [of transitioning from parental leave back to work] and give them the support they need so they can reengage," Lindsay said. "Your career is a long career. It can ebb and flow. I think it's really important to work with our lawyers to equip them to balance this transition as best they can."

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