
Artificial Intelligence - the Rise of Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence - the Rise of Machine Learning

BCLP International Arbitration Survey 2023

Jul 24, 2023
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For over ten years, BCLP’s International Arbitration Group has conducted a number of surveys on issues affecting the arbitration process including: cyber-security in arbitration proceedings (2019), rights of appeal (2020), expert evidence (2021) and the reform of the Arbitration Act 1996 (2022).

This year our survey topic is artificial intelligence (AI) and the impact of its use in international arbitration.

AI is a hot topic. Organisations and rule makers around the world are grappling with the transformational impact it will have. The much-publicised development of advanced AI language models, described as a revolutionary advance in AI technology, has focused increased attention on the impact that the development of increasingly powerful AI tools may have on society as a whole. While there have been many research pieces of the uses and implications of AI in other sectors, thus far there has been little in-depth analysis on the ways in which AI is impacting the arbitration world.

In this year’s survey we want to assess the extent to which AI is used in international arbitration, consider the perceived risks and benefits that come with its use, and canvas views on the need for regulation of the use of AI in international arbitration.

We’d like to obtain your views on these issues by requesting your responses to a series of questions. 

Jus Mundi: use of AI in International Arbitration

As part of the survey, we are also seeking views from legal tech providers active in international arbitration to understand how their AI-powered tools may impact the arbitral process and what is coming on the horizons in that area. We interviewed Jus Mundi, an arbitration legal tech provider that have just launched an OpenAI powered legal research tool.

Jus Mundi: use of AI in International Arbitration

As part of the survey, we are also seeking views from legal tech providers active in international arbitration to understand how their AI-powered tools may impact the arbitral process and what is coming on the horizons in that area. We interviewed Jus Mundi, an arbitration legal tech provider that have just launched an OpenAI powered legal research tool.

Related Practice Areas

  • International Arbitration

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