Thomas Haller

Thomas Haller
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Thomas Haller

Thomas Haller

Senior Associate

Thomas Haller
  1. People /

Thomas Haller

Thomas Haller

Senior Associate

Thomas Haller

Senior Associate


T: +44 (0) 20 3400 4211

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Thomas is experienced in advising on, drafting and negotiating construction contracts, including building contracts, professional appointments, collateral warranties and related documents. Thomas has advised on a variety of commercial, residential and mixed-use projects.


  • England and Wales

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JCT 2024 Editions: key changes in the JCT's new suite of contracts

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Time for the Coronation?

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JCT 2024 Editions: key changes in the JCT's new suite of contracts
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Time for the Coronation?
In this BCLP Insight, Thomas Haller considers whether the Coronation may entitle contractors to an extension of time under the JCT form of contract.
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Apr 23, 2020
Electronic execution: another “new normal”?
Electronic signatures and virtual signings (using the Law Society guidance following the “Mercury” Tax case) have been gaining popularity for some time with electronic execution given an added boost in Autumn 2019 when the Law Commission published its report on e-signatures.