Joanna Munro

Joanna Munro
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Joanna Munro

Joanna Munro


Joanna Munro
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Joanna Munro

Joanna Munro


Joanna Munro



T: +44 (0) 20 3400 4912

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Joanna is experienced in financial services law and regulation.

From 2016 to 2021, Joanna worked in the Enforcement, General Counsel and Supervision divisions at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). In Enforcement, she was involved in a range of regulatory and wholesale investigations, conducted litigation proceedings on behalf of the FCA before the High Court and the Upper Tribunal as well as advised on contested authorisation applications and urgent supervisory interventions. She also took cases before the FCA’s decision-making bodies. Joanna’s experience includes investigating instances of insider-dealing and pension mis-selling, reviewing compliance with AML requirements, taking action for violations of the general prohibition and financial promotion rules and advising on fitness and propriety assessments in relation to senior managers.

Prior to joining the FCA, Joanna worked in the legal team of a Forex broker and at the European Commission in the department responsible for the EU’s policies on banking and finance.

Spoken Languages

  • Polish
  • French


  • England and Wales


  • University of London-King's College, LL.B., 2013

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