Charlie Gilbert-Wood

Charlie Gilbert-Wood
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Charlie Gilbert-Wood

Charlie Gilbert-Wood


Charlie Gilbert-Wood
  1. People /

Charlie Gilbert-Wood

Charlie Gilbert-Wood


Charlie Gilbert-Wood



T: +44 (0) 20 3400 3016

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Charlie is an associate in the Non-Contentious Construction team. He is experienced in advising on, drafting and negotiating construction contracts including building contracts, professional appointments, collateral warranties and related documents. Charlie has acted for developers, employers and funders on office and retail developments and refurbishments as well as a variety of residential and mixed-use projects.


  • England and Wales

Related Practice Areas

  • Commercial Construction & Engineering

  • Real Estate Sector

  • Real Estate

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Oct 06, 2022

Be certain, be specific and be clear: milestone judgment for liquidated damages

Recent case law has shown how careful parties need to be when drafting a liquidated damages (LDs) regime. The case of Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd v Peel L&P Investments and Property Ltd provides yet another example of what can happen if there is any ambiguity in the drafting. This blog takes a closer look at this case.

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Oct 06, 2022
Be certain, be specific and be clear: milestone judgment for liquidated damages
Recent case law has shown how careful parties need to be when drafting a liquidated damages (LDs) regime. The case of Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd v Peel L&P Investments and Property Ltd provides yet another example of what can happen if there is any ambiguity in the drafting. This blog takes a closer look at this case.